This week’s Pioneers Festival in Austria was a great surprise (I wasn’t sure what to expect). It’s very hard to make time for events, but I’m really glad I did for this one. Stepping back from day to day execution helps with perspective on my startup – especially when it’s with a bunch of other startups in a 300 year old castle in Vienna Austria! Forbes compared Startup Pioneers very favorably to Le Web: Pioneers Festival is what LeWeb used to be and by the talk at the event from investors, start ups and journalists, it’s surpassed LeWeb in terms of quality of speakers, venue, networking and topic matter you can sink your teeth into. Fortunately for everyone who couldn’t attend, Startup Festival provided professionally produced videos of all the speakers. I highly recommend checking out this video of Alexander Osterwalder‘s presentation. Here’s the recording of my presentation. Skip the first minute or two of crowd pumping up exercises… Finally, if you just want the slides from my presentation, here they are:
This week’s Pioneers Festival in Austria was a great surprise (I wasn’t sure what to expect). It’s very hard to make time for events, but I’m really glad I did for this one. Stepping back from day to day execution helps with perspective on my startup – especially when it’s with a bunch of other startups in a 300 year old castle in Vienna Austria!
Forbes compared Startup Pioneers very favorably to…