PLAN WELL & EXECUTE: Political campaigns really just a matter of marketing

A presidential campaign is comprised of many components that have parallels to other activities in life and in particular to business. The place is where you live and all other locations that the candidates physically visited along the campaign trail. The promotion is all of the ways the candidates try to contact and reach the voters with their messages. However, in our presidential election, and only in the presidential election, the electoral votes are the true market. One political commentator discussed the point that there was a decidedly different promotional approach to the campaign by the candidates and their committees. In the use of Twitter, it would appear that Donald Trump got the most leverage from this tool. Social media was used extensively by both campaigns and it would appear that all future campaigns will have social media as a foundation of their marketing program. The marketing lesson from this year’s presidential election is that both models worked. So, as you consider the promotion for a new product, service or menu item consider using all of the tools. Your approach should be a combination of promotional techniques from pictures, signs and samples, to surrogates or customer testimonials, to surveys after exposure to the product seasoned with a healthy dose of social media.

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A presidential campaign is comprised of many components that
have parallels to other activities in life and in particular to
business. In many ways, all election campaigns are major marketing

The product is represented by the candidates. The price is your
vote and support which includes money, placing signs and other
campaign-related work. The place is where you live and all other
locations that the candidates physically visited along the campaign
trail. The promotion is all of the ways the candidates try to
contact and reach the voters with their messages.

In a business sense, the voters are the market. In this year’s
election Hillary Clinton received 47.66 percent of the popular vote
and Donald Trump received 47.5 percent of the popular vote.
However, in our presidential election, and only in the presidential
election, the electoral votes are the true market.

One political commentator discussed the point that there was a
decidedly different promotional approach to the campaign by the
candidates and their committees. The tools of presidential
marketing are the same as used by marketing department around the
world. Some of the tools are ancient, for example kissing babies
and shaking hands. Others are new, such as Twitter. In the use of
Twitter, it would appear that Donald…