Pop-up Shop Marketing: a Quick How-to Guide

Pop-up Shop Marketing: a Quick How-to Guide

Why pop-up shops? Well, the first reason has less to do with immediate sales and more to do with branding. By aligning your brand with this temporary sales strategy, you can encourage customers to view you in a new light. "Secondly, if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, you could rake in significant profits for your business minus the traditional risk retailers incur." Marketing suggestions There's a lot that goes into a pop-up shop, but much of the success (or lack thereof) can be directly tied back to marketing. If the marketing strategy is sound, then foot traffic and sales will follow. Having said that, here are some marketing tips and techniques that other brands successfully implement for high returns: Build buzz in advance. "It's also going to allow you to cross market into other audiences that care about the same thing as your customer, but don't compete with you at all." Keep promoting after the event. The objective of a pop-up shop is to give your brand the boost it needs to thrive after the temporary event ends.

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Pop-up Shop Marketing: a Quick How-to Guide

Over the past five years, pop-up shops have gained a lot of popularity. Not only are more businesses trying their hand at these one- or two-day events, but customers are responding in a very positive fashion. But before you start planning your own pop-up shop, make sure you’re ready for the marketing side of things.

Why pop-up shops?

As the name suggests, pop-up shops are temporary retail establishments that emerge for a few hours, days or weeks on street corners, in malls and at major public events. The goal of a pop-up shop is to create a new touch point with customers and engage with them in a unique way without having to fully invest in a new store or location.

That certainly sounds good, but why are brands really investing in pop-up shops? Well, the first reason has less to do with immediate sales and more to do with branding. Research shows that unique services/products, localized assortments, optimal pricing, convenience and a fun experience are among the top things pop-up shoppers are looking for. By aligning your brand with this temporary sales strategy, you can encourage customers to view you in a new light. In other words, the value extends far beyond the shop itself.

This isn’t to say that pop-up shops aren’t profitable — they certainly are. As expert Humayun Khan explained in a Shopify blog, “A pop-up store can be a bonafide way to explore adding an additional revenue stream to your existing ecommerce business — the reason being that it doesn’t cost nearly as much as going all in when you get started with temporary retail.

“Secondly, if you happen to be in the right place at the right time, you could rake in significant profits for your business minus the traditional risk retailers incur.”

3. Marketing suggestions

There’s a lot that goes into a pop-up shop, but much of the success (or…