The 6 Basic Nurture Campaigns and When to Use Them

The 6 Basic Nurture Campaigns and When to Use Them

Lead nurturing is no different than building long-term relationships. It’s simply a strategy marketers use to stay in front of prospects, providing relevant, worthwhile content to warm them up until they are ready for sales. Build long-term relationships with these 6 nurture campaigns So you have the content to share, but how do you decide the best way to nurture your database with it? Remarketing campaigns target people who have shown interest – through visiting your website, sending an email, visiting your social media pages, etc. Like most nurture campaigns, closed-lost nurtures work best when you’re using a natively integrated CRM and marketing automation solution. A stay in touch campaign allows you to stay top-of-mind and build credibility for when they are ready to make a decision. Accelerator campaigns provide relevant information at the right time in an order to put the process into overdrive and nudge leads along faster. Customer Lifecycle –So your lead has turned into a customer, but now what? Customer lifecycle campaigns help customers with onboarding, keeps them educated on industry trends and best practices, and gives them the opportunity to take advantage of other offerings and contract renewals. The truth is, nurture campaigns – no matter how basic or what the subject is – take time and effort to create in your marketing automation solution.

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The 6 Basic Nurture Campaigns and When to Use Them

Lead nurturing is no different than building long-term relationships. It’s simply a strategy marketers use to stay in front of prospects, providing relevant, worthwhile content to warm them up until they are ready for sales. According to MarketingSherpa, 79% of marketing leads never convert to sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the #1 cause for poor performance.

Content forms the foundation of your lead nurture programs. Think of it like this – if lead nurturing is the engine, content is the fuel that keeps it running. So before you launch a new nurture campaign, making sure you have the content in place to support it is crucial. Below is a list of suggestions for content worth including in your nurture campaigns:

  • Analyst Report

  • Blog Post
  • Case Study
  • Coupon
  • eBook
  • Free Demo
  • Free Trial
  • Outside Trade Publications with information or best practices about your industry
  • Thought Leadership Piece (usually published by your company expert in a third party publication)
  • Video
  • White Paper

No matter what pieces of content you decide to include, each touch needs to be personalized so that to your prospect, it feels as though this piece of content or this message was made specifically for them.

Build long-term relationships with these 6 nurture campaigns

So you have the content to share, but how do you decide the best way to nurture your database with it? To start, nurture campaigns can be delivered based on conditional logic as seen in this basic campaign below:

Nurture Campaign Logic
Basic Nurture Campaign

Marketing automation solutions use conditional logic to help you decide which type of nurture campaign is best for each prospect or customer. Here is a list of the 6 basic nurture campaigns and when to use them:

  1. Intro | Welcome –Your prospects may not know a ton about your…