The horse race 'that stops a nation' cops a sledging on social media. Vale Melbourne Cup horsies. The annual Australian celebration of dressing up, drinking bubbles and throwing money at horses running around in a circle has arrived once more. With it, come the inevitable the social media mutterings of those not-too-chuffed with the whole affair. The Melbourne Cup is an annual horse race with a colourful history. With satire and cynicism, Australians against "animal cruelty," gambling or mass displays of drunkness and big ol' hats, have taken to social media to express their waning interest in the sport. Ah the #MelbourneCup - where crowds of people get wasted, puke, fall over, and go home. Horse in peak condition falls over - gets shot. — Jazz Twemlow (@JazzTwemlow) November 1, 2016 In solidarity with the pain and distress suffered by horses in the racing industry I have chosen to have a brutal hangover. #MelbourneCup — Tom Ballard (@TomCBallard) November 1, 2016 BONUS: Custom-designed Nissan van captures the true spirit of working remotely

The annual Australian celebration of dressing up, drinking
bubbles and throwing money at horses
running around in a circle has arrived once more. With it, come
the inevitable the social media mutterings of those not-too-chuffed
with the whole affair.
Melbourne Cup is an annual horse race with a colourful history.
In recent years, that history has included more calls to ban the
race, after the very
public deaths…