Author: Dan Martell / Source: @DanMartell The best aspect of sharing everything you know is that others will share back. A few months ago
The best aspect of sharing everything you know is that others will share back.
A few months ago I was in NYC shooting a Facebook Live video on how to draft on other people’s success.
Simple concept: high tides rise all boats.
Afterwards I check my email, and Mike from London emails me recommending a book.
Rising Star by Rich Koch.
I hadn’t read it, but knew the name … he wrote The 80/20 Principle which I had read 10 years prior.
So I bought the book on my kindle, and realized we share some of the same strategies for picking investments and markets to build companies in…
But for as good as it was, I realized it had a few key things missing.
Small things that could make a MASSIVE difference.