PNR: This Old Marketing with Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose can be found on both iTunes and Stitcher. If you enjoy our show, we would love it if you would rate it or post a review on iTunes. In this week’s episode In this final regular episode, Robert ponders the nature of doing nothing (and doing it well). We discuss which company we feel is most likely to buy Fox, and whether Apple will ever really buy Disney. We also examine an increasingly disturbing web content trend, and media companies’ rush into the agency services business. Our rants and raves include net neutrality and audio content; then we sign off with an example of the week that takes us back to our own humble roots. (52:56): Robert’s call to action: Long-time PNR listeners have no doubt heard Robert’s take on the importance of net neutrality; and now, it’s time for supporters to take their last stand. If maintaining an open internet is something you are just as passionate about as Robert, please take a minute to educate yourself on the issue, call your state representatives and let them know how you feel, or donate to organizations that are helping to fight for our digital rights – including Fight for the future, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. (55:28): Robert’s rave: Though it’s more of a content story than a content marketing story, Robert still highly recommends that everyone check out this Medium article, which examines, in detail, what might just be the greatest sales pitch ever. Delivered by Drift director of marketing, Dave Gerhardt, at an OpenView Venture Partners recent speaker event, the brilliant narrative describes how the live chat tool company transformed its content operations into a movement, of sorts, by including five specific attributes in every one of its storytelling efforts.

PNR: This Old Marketing with Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose can be found on both iTunes and Stitcher. If you enjoy our show, we would love it if you would rate it or post a review on iTunes.
In this week’s episode
In this final regular episode, Robert ponders the nature of doing nothing (and doing it well). We discuss which company we feel is most likely to buy Fox, and whether Apple will ever really buy Disney. We also examine an increasingly disturbing web content trend, and media companies’ rush into the agency services business. Our rants and raves include net neutrality and audio content; then we sign off with an example of the week that takes us back to our own humble roots.
Show details
- (00:01): An advertising blast from the past: “A show about nothing”
- (01:00): Robert muses on this week’s theme: Are you doing nothing?
- (08:31): Welcome to Episode 210: Recorded live on November 19, 2017 (Running time: 1:11:05)

The quick hits – Notable news and trends
The deep dive – Industry analysis
- (35:42): Holiday cards and house ads: The role of publishers’ content studios is ever-expanding. (Source: Digiday)
Rants and raves
- (47:55): Joe’s rave: Considering recent findings from Edison Research that audiobook revenue surged to more than $2.1 billion in 2016, it should come as little surprise that publishers in this sector are experimenting with new ways to meet the feverish demand for audio content. For instance, Hachette Audio is taking advantage of the tremendous opportunity by pursuing audio-first content deals, in which the company would either generate a…