Why Interactive Email Is The Future Of Inbox Communication

Why Interactive Email Is The Future Of Inbox Communication

What is interactive email? Clicking out to a video on a landing page, though, is easy and – bonus points – you can capture a bit of the action in a GIF for your email. People are starting to get really creative in emails these days, including creating unique experiences that your audience can interact with. How and why should I use interactive email? According to Martech Advisor, “interactive email content increases the click-to-open rate by 73% and adding videos to your email content can boost click rates up to 300%.” Additionally, in a recent survey of 1,000 consumers, they overwhelmingly chose to receive interactive emails over regular, static emails (82% to 18%!) Something that is customized for your brand feels very personal and will allow your audience to really connect with your message. People will always remember brands that do something new, different, and fun! They’ve actually said that they would rather get an interactive email than an old-fashioned static email campaign. What’s more authentic than an interactive experience that feels personal? If you haven’t tried incorporating a GIF or an interactive experience into an email campaign, start small.

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Why Interactive Email Is The Future Of Inbox Communication

Email: the marketing bedrock. When everything else feels like a passing trend, email has stood the test of time and shows no signs of slowing down.

Every business can reap huge benefits from email, but what happens when your audience stops engaging? What if your open rates and clicks are suffering?

With so many businesses doing email and improving their email strategies, the competition for attention is fierce. But don’t worry, there’s an easy way to reignite your customers and prospects! It’s called interactive email. If you jump on the bandwagon now you will stand out as one of the most forward thinking, customer experience focused brands out there.

What is interactive email?

Interactive content is anything that requires a viewer to actively engage and participate with the content to access the full experience, usually by tapping, swiping, or otherwise physically interacting with the piece of content. Interactive email just incorporates that premise into an email campaign.

And while email is still playing catch-up when it comes to adding interactivity. There are a few ways to give your emails an interactive edge right now. Soon though, we expect emails to be on par with other web properties. Gmail for instance, seems to already be laying the groundwork for this to happen.

Interactivity in email

GIFS have been pretty prevalent in email lately. They’ve been around for a while but are swiftly gaining popularity as more and more social media services are allowing them to be used within their platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc).

The best way to use these in an email campaign is to design your own, as Fundbox has done here. Just inserting a random GIF probably won’t make your audience sit up and take notice, and may even confuse them. Better to make sure it’s on brand and communicates your message effectively.

Video is tricky because most ESP’s (email service providers) won’t let you directly embed playable video into an email (although Gmail might soon be an exception to that). Clicking out to a video on a landing page, though, is easy and – bonus points – you can capture a bit of the action in a GIF for your email.

People are starting to get really creative in emails these days, including creating unique…