4 Facebook Experts Share Their Best Tips and Predictions for Facebooks Ads

4 Facebook Experts Share Their Best Tips and Predictions for Facebooks Ads

The impact will vary from Page to Page, driven by factors including the type of content they produce and how people interact with it.” For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, the good ol' days of free organic reach to Facebook's 1.4 billion daily active users are officially over. But rather than bailing on the platform, experts predict that more businesses and brands will be focusing their efforts on Facebook advertising. He has also invested more than $10 million in Facebook ads in just the past six years alone. On the technical aspects of Facebook ads, he recommends advertisers target 2-percent lookalike audiences as a part of their process and test the results. When running ads to a cold audience -- especially to people who have never heard of you before -- do it from a personalized brand page. Based on a series of tests De Kreij conducted, running ads from a personalized page resulted in a 300 percent increase of ROI compared to running the same ads from a company page. People want more native results. Make sure to give it a go and just run the exact same ads from your brand page versus your personalized Facebook page and see what happens.” Facebook expert: Keith Krance Image Credit: Facebook CEO and Founder of Dominate Web Media Keith Krance is the co-author of the top-selling book The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising. He states, “Right now most people are not running Instagram ads properly.” He strongly encourages advertisers to think of each ad as a brand ambassador, as if it was a real person. That's going to be a big opportunity, and I think some mistakes that people will be making is relying too much on automation to execute the entire sales process.” A tip from Krance in keeping that personal touch is to use Facebook Live and believes most advertisers underestimate the power that it has to create free organic engagement.

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4 Facebook Experts Share Their Best Tips and Predictions for Facebooks Ads

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Remember before the Cambridge Analytica scandal when brands and publishers were worried about Facebook’s News Feed changes? Here’s a refresher from Facebook’s official post back in January, “Because space in News Feed is limited, showing more posts from friends and family and updates that spark conversation means we’ll show less public content, including videos and other posts from publishers or businesses.

As we make these updates, Pages may see their reach, video watch time and referral traffic decrease. The impact will vary from Page to Page, driven by factors including the type of content they produce and how people interact with it.”

For many entrepreneurs and small business owners, the good ol’ days of free organic reach to Facebook’s 1.4 billion daily active users are officially over. But rather than bailing on the platform, experts predict that more businesses and brands will be focusing their efforts on Facebook advertising. In 2017 Facebook generated almost $40 billion in ad revenue, an increase of 49 percent over 2016. Since new reports show that the average price per Facebook ad increased by 43 percent in Q4 of last year, pundits expect that number to soar this year as the Facebook ad landscape is becoming more competitive than ever. And as of today, no one is predicting that the #deletefacebook movement will have any impact.

We spoke with four Facebook experts who shared their thoughts on the key Facebook trends that will dominate the upcoming years. Collectively, these experts have invested over $1 billion to successfully advertise on Facebook, for themselves and on behalf of hundreds of various businesses and brands. Entrepreneurs would be wise to read closely and follow their recommendations to get a competitive edge using Facebook ads in 2018 and beyond.

Facebook expert: Dennis Yu

Image Credit: Facebook

CTO of BlitzMetrics Dennis Yu is an internationally recognized lecturer on Facebook marketing and the co-author of “Facebook Nation,” a textbook taught in over 700 colleges and universities. He is the former Head of Analytics of Yahoo! and has worked with brands like the Golden State Warriors, Rosetta Stone, Nike, Adidas, and more.

According to Dennis Yu, focusing on the fundamentals is crucial to surviving the apparent Armageddon that’s happening. It’s pretty hard to ignore this advice coming from an industry leader whose company has managed the investment of over $1 billion dollars of Facebook ad spend across different accounts.

Yu believes that Facebook killed organic reach for pages long ago and that many self-proclaimed “gurus” are using the recent news to incite fear and get attention. “Ignore those folks! Focus on the fundamentals and you will win! Create good content that really deserves to be ranked, that truly helps the users, and you don’t have to worry about the [Facebook] algorithm.” Yu defines the fundamentals of Facebook advertising as being “Awareness, engagement, and conversion.”

He advocates creating one-minute videos to create awareness and to boost them for a dollar a day to drive engagement. To create engagement, Yu says that brands must tell authentic stories that don’t look like advertisements, citing that this is what drives further organic reach and community interaction. He recommends to sequence the one-minute videos to share your story and when done properly, “We’ve found this to absolutely kill it!”

He further explains how this process leads to conversions and sales, “This shows up as viral reach where you then respond to them in a community format, and you can collect their email addresses and invite them to your website. Do cross-channel marketing and then you’re able to drive a sale, either at the store, through your email list, or through people that are more likely to search for you on Google. That’s where things are accelerating towards right now.”

Facebook expert: Justin Lofton

Image Credit: Facebook

Founder and CEO of Zenfusion and SyncSumo, Justin Lofton has spent nearly 20 years mastering the art of selling online across every industry channel and vertical imaginable. He has also…