4 Social Media Strategies That Can Help Bring in 23 Percent More Profits

4 Social Media Strategies That Can Help Bring in 23 Percent More Profits

Here are four areas of social media that all entrepreneurs should know. The power of blogging and content marketing. According to the book M: Marketing, 78 percent of customers prefer to get to know a company through articles rather than ads. Customers want content marketing about personal finance management. Ask your customers to review your company. 53 percent of customers from all sites and 72 percent of Twitter customers expect a response in one hour, according to M: Marketing. 68 percent of Americans use Facebook. The lead to conversion rate is 2.74 percent versus Facebook (0.77 percent) and Twitter (0.69 percent). Instagram, like YouTube, is a place to build excitement quickly. Use social media strategically.

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4 Social Media Strategies That Can Help Bring in 23 Percent More Profits

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

40 percent of the world’s population and 69 percent of Americans aged 18-29 are active users of social media. Social media has revolutionized how companies communicate with, listen to and learn from customers, much like TV advertising did in the 20th century.

A marketing strategy involves identifying a target market, establishing actions to reach that target market and continual analysis and adjustments. A social media strategy, on the other hand, educates engages, and excites your customers and builds brand loyalty. Excited and engaged customers bring in 23 percent more profits. Through video sharing sites customers can quasi-experience products as well, making a purchase more likely. Here are four areas of social media that all entrepreneurs should know.

1. The power of blogging and content marketing.

According to the book M: Marketing, 78 percent of customers prefer to get to know a company through articles rather than ads. Content marketing has six times higher conversion rates and has the potential for a 7.8-X boost in web traffic than other social media tools. In 2018, U.S. adults spent an average of 3 hours, 35 minutes per day on smartphones. Most of this time lends itself towards content marketing. For example, customers spend 11 percent of this time on personal productivity and finances. Customers want content marketing about personal finance management. They want to read it.

If you sell medical devices, you should have articles about any health issue surrounding the problem that your product solves. If you sell makeup, you should have how-to articles about makeup application and likely skin care guides. If you own a restaurant, provide information about food trends, dieting, or perhaps event planning.

To start a content campaign, figure out what your customers might care about and start writing. Local experts may be happy to provide articles because that is free social media advertising for them. Also, content marketing generated toward a political or charitable cause is impactful because 73 percent of all customers want to buy from companies that communicate upstanding moral philosophies.

2. Read and respond to reviews and complaints.

84 percent of customers trust online reviews. Ask your customers to review your company. You can manually check sites, like Google, or use reputation management software to track online comments and reviews. Respond to comments…