4 Telling Trends That Predict the Future of Content Marketing

4 Telling Trends That Predict the Future of Content Marketing

4 Telling Trends That Predict the Future of Content Marketing. Here are four current trends, and some predictions on how these trends will influence the content marketing strategies of tomorrow. That said, 77 percent of Americans report that they like having information at their fingertips, and 81 percent feel confident in their ability to use the internet and their connected devices to keep up with the constant flow of information. People Are Watching More and Reading Less According to the 2016 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 74 percent of social media marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing, and 60 percent use video. Prediction: Video content will continue to dominate. Internet Platforms Come and Go A decade ago, social media was the new, big thing. Today, 69 percent of adult internet users are on at least one social media platform. Prediction: Consumers will tell you what they want, and where they want to see it. Mobile First, or You’ll Be Last Between 2011 and 2016, smartphone adoption grew by 42 percent. Prediction: The smaller the screen, the larger the audience.

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4 Telling Trends That Predict the Future of Content Marketing

If the last twenty years is any indication, the future poses significant challenges for marketers, especially in terms of content creation. From the mid-90s, when the internet was a novelty, to now, with our constant connection to technology, disruption has been the name of the game. Marketers have had to continually shift to keep up with emerging digital trends.

While it’s true that technology innovation has a seismic effect on marketing trends, you don’t need to be a fortune teller to predict the future of marketing—you just need to follow the current trends to their logical destinations.

Here are four current trends, and some predictions on how these trends will influence the content marketing strategies of tomorrow.

1. Information Overload Is Real, but It’s Not So Bad

Marketing content is everywhere you look, from the copy on your tube of toothpaste, to the ads in your morning paper, to the constant stream of targeted photos, videos, blogs, and pitches on your internet sidebar. We’re continually bombarded with information, and it’s expected. That said, 77 percent of Americans report that they like having information at their fingertips, and 81 percent feel confident in their ability to use the internet and their connected devices to keep up with the constant flow of information.

Pew research on information overload

Prediction: Even higher quality content will be required to maintain brand trust.

As consumer comfort-level with information overload increases, so does their demand for high-quality content. Modern consumers are self-educating, and they’re adept with finding the information they need via the internet. In order to build a strong platform for your brand, your content will need to enable the self-starting consumer to conduct in-depth research all on their own. By providing easily searchable blogs, videos, and interactive training sites, you will present your brand with confidence that will be appreciated by the internet-savvy consumer. In turn, trust for your brand will grow, because you’ll be known as a company that cuts through the bombardment of information to deliver real value for your customers, even before their first purchase.

2. People Are Watching More and Reading Less

According to the 2016…