5 Mind Hacks You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

5 Mind Hacks You Need to Know Before Starting a Business

Below are some of the ways you can start your business on the right foot by delving into some excellent brain hacks to improve your chances of creating a worldwide recognized brand. You should think about the kind of product you’re creating, and how you expect customers to feel when they see your brand. Make complicated topics easy to understand. In other words, you have to let potential customers know exactly what your product does when they land on your website. You can tell your customers more about what your product or service does, how it will make them feel and what problems your product will solve -- using just your imagery. If someone, for whatever reason, has never heard of Coca-Cola, his or her first experience with this ad will promote positive emotions and, hopefully, create a positive customer. Keep your inner monologue in check As someone who wants to start a business, you’re probably feeling confident and excited. When you start focusing on positive things, you train your brain to push out negative feelings and emotions. Hack your time-management abilities Time management is one of the most challenging, but important, aspects of any business. You’re going to have a million things going on at once and you'll need to learn to manage your time properly.

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Ever use the Pomodoro Technique? You work in short bursts of extreme productivity, then take a break. Try it.

5 Mind Hacks You Need to Know Before Starting a Business Image credit: VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS | SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY | Getty Images

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Starting a new business is both an exciting and daunting experience. The typical entrepreneur is racing toward the goal of being successful, but the truth is,he or she will likely struggle to get there. If you consider yourself an entrepreneur, you need to understand your customers’ psychological profile, as well as how you can manage, even manipulate, your own psychological state to become a more productive business owner.

Below are some of the ways you can start your business on the right foot by delving into some excellent brain hacks to improve your chances of creating a worldwide recognized brand.

These hacks are gaining ground owing to the scientific research surrounding them. When you combine more than one of these methods together, you have the chance to drastically improve your odds in what today are so many overpopulated industry segments — with so much noise.

Now, here’s how to dive in to those hacks:

1.Use your brand’s colors to your advantage.

Color plays an important role in the way we perceive companies and their functionality. A revealing study by the University of Winnipeg found that 62 to 90 percent of buyers surveyed said they make up their minds whether they are interested in a brand, or its offerings, based on the colors used in the brand’s design.

How can you use colors to convince your customers that your product is the right choice? Here is a chart that shows colors and what kinds of emotions they evoke.

You should think about the kind of product you’re creating, and how you expect customers to feel when they see your brand. In the example above, the brands that promote creativity or have products designed to increase creativity have used the color purple. The SyFy channel, which thrives on creative (and sometimes hilarious) ideas, uses purple to create a brand that is instantly recognizable.

2. Make complicated topics easy to understand.

One of the best ways to win over your audience is by explaining a process or idea in terms that virtually everyone can understand. Think about the last…