5 Most-Viewed Videos From CMI’s 2016 YouTube Channel (+ 6 Favorites)

Bringing Your Content Marketing to Life with Mind Maps: A #CMWorld Chat with Roger Parker
Build a Strong Foundation to Ensure Future Content-Marketing Success
How REI is Unlocking the Power of Long-Form Video

Many of you are gearing up to make a big, bold splash with video in 2017. To provide some inspiration, we’re sharing some of the most popular and favorite Content Marketing Institute videos hosted on our YouTube channel.

We use the CMI channel to:

The top five videos on our YouTube Channel, based on 2016 views, are:

1. The Story of Content Documentary

Posted: September 9, 2015

Length: 43 minutes, 41 seconds

Why you should check it out: Sharing this documentary can be extremely helpful for getting buy-in from leadership or colleagues, or with a client. Many people have held screenings at their office. Given that it’s almost 45 minutes, you can break it into sections and host a series of lunch-and-learns. Or, if you are part of a professional organization like the American Marketing Association or Public Relations Society of America, you can make the screening an event. To make it even easier to host and learn, we have a screening kit to foster discussions around the topics presented in the film.

2. History of Content Marketing Infographic (2011)

Posted: January 6, 2014

Length: 2 minutes, 54 seconds

Why you should check this out: Many people look to it to get an idea of the history of content marketing and just how brands have been telling their stories for hundreds of years. This video was produced in 2011 for Content Marketing World. We recently released a new, updated infographic you can find here with even more examples we’ve unearthed.

3. Kevin Spacey CMWorld Closing Keynote Speech

Posted: October 16, 2014

Length: 5 minutes, 20 seconds

Why you should check it out: Who doesn’t love to watch Kevin Spacey? In this engaging, and funny clip from his 2014 keynote speech at Content Marketing World, he breaks down his take on the important elements of storytelling. Oh, and you get to hear his nickname for our own founder, Joe Pulizzi.

4. The Content Marketing Spectrum

Posted: March 4, 2016

Length: 12 minutes, 24 seconds

Why you should check it out: With all kinds of content-focused marketing methods – content marketing, native advertising, branded content – it can be a challenge to know what’s what. CMI’s Chief Strategy Adviser Robert Rose put together this video to explain how to think about each content-focused marketing opportunity within your greater marketing. Want more details or prefer to read Robert’s advice? Read the related blog post.

5. How John Deere Uses Content Marketing to Educate Customers

Posted: March 22, 2016

Length: 2 minutes, 35 seconds

Why you should check it out: John Deere has been practicing content marketing since…