5 Things You Can Do to ‘Humanize’ Your Brand

5 Things You Can Do to ‘Humanize’ Your Brand

Let’s face it, consumers don’t trust brands. How do you get consumers to trust your company? You do it by showing them the human side of your brand. It’s what Netflix does when the media giant shares funny images from its shows. Letting consumers see the people behind the business is a powerful way to humanize your brand. Seeing the amazing people “behind the curtain” will help consumers put a face to the brand name. Share user-generated content. Sharing user-generated content works to humanize your brand in two ways: First, it’s exciting and flattering to the user who gets his or her photo featured on your website or social media feed. If you don’t have any user-generated content, ask your customers for it. Show appreciation for your customers.

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Face it: Consumers don’t automatically trust your brand or anyone else’s. Whaddaya gonna do?

5 Things You Can Do to 'Humanize' Your Brand

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Let’s face it, consumers don’t trust brands. Most people view companies like faceless enemies; they’re just out to make money; they’re just telling us what we want to hear. So, if your company wants to win over more customers, you’ve got to get them to trust you.

In fact, according to PwC’s Global Consumer Insights Survey 2018, more than one in three consumers surveyed ranked “trust in brand” among the top three factors, other than price, influencing their decision to shop at a particular retailer. How do you get consumers to trust your company? You do it by showing them the human side of your brand. That will inspire more trust from consumers and boost your conversions.

To form meaningful relationships with your audience, check out these five ways to humanize your brand.

Show off your funny bone.

One easy way is to show off your funny bone. According to researchers from the Turku PET Centre, Oxford and Aalto universities, social laughter leads to an endorphin release in the brain and may promote the establishment of social bonds. So, if laughter can make us feel good and encourage connections between people, you should consider using it to get the same results for your business.

Not a comedian yourself? Don’t worry; you can share popular and funny content that already exists. It’s what Netflix does when the media giant shares funny images from its shows.

Showing your more playful side will help consumers see that you’re not just a business focused on selling a product; you’re a human who can put aside your seriousness and have some fun.

Put your team members in the spotlight.

Letting consumers see the people behind the business is a powerful way to humanize your brand. If consumers are looking at just your logo all the time, they might not see your brand as human. So, put your team members in the spotlight.

Shoot some quality photos of your staff…