6 Life Skills That Will Set You Up for Success and Happiness

6 Life Skills That Will Set You Up for Success and Happiness

Resilience “There’s only one thing that’s worse than having an unhappy childhood, and that’s having a too-happy childhood.” – Dylan Thomas Research shows that the majority of successful people have had tough times. Building muscle Being born with resilience is one thing. It is also an approach and set of success habits that will help you build your resilience to life’s tests. But many of us don’t act on our dreams because of fear, doubt and the fear of being judged. I discovered the power of showing up every day 10 years ago and taking action despite not feeling like it. Read more on the power of the life skill of daily action in this article >>> The One Habit That Transformed My Life 5. Read more about the key elements needed to build the life skills of powerful communication in the article “The One Skill That Will Transform Your Life” 6. You can design and build a business while still turning up to your day job. But by starting you will discover strengths you maybe didn’t expect. Read the article and discover the 7 Steps to Design a Life (and Business) That Makes you Happy Need help with getting stuff done?

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Life Skills
Succeeding in life isn’t an accident.

It is often the outcome and results of developing life skills that are discovered, nurtured and acted on over decades.

But often our parents, family and school teachers never told us.

The curriculum often didn’t include anything much beyond the 3 “R’s”. And learning by rote and committing facts to memory was the education that was often demanded.

In today’s world Google has provided us with a global memory bank and resource that means that memorizing is a life skill not much in demand.

So what are 6 core life skills that you need to learn, nurture and nourish if you want to succeed?

1. Quality relationships

In our crazy busy digital world and modern society we are often told that more is better.

The media bombards us with messages telling us that if we have or buy “this” we will be happy.

We are told that life will be a nirvana if we are, slimmer, fitter and more attractive.

Modern society is often saying.

More money, more stuff and….just more.

The problem?

The more you have the more you have to worry about and the more anxious you become.

You become afraid of losing it. That’s why we insure things.

We worry about having our stuff stolen or damaged.

But often less is more.

Keeping things simple and reducing clutter in our minds and in our physical world is key to “more” well being.

And there is also a simple solution to being happier.

What does the science say about the secret to happiness?

In a TED Talk Robert Waldinger revealed the secret to true happiness and also being healthier.

And it is not about more toys and more stuff. And it is not about the external material factors that we often delude ourselves are the solution.

In 1938 at Harvard College they tracked the lives of 724 men. And every year they asked about their work, home lives and their health.

It is the world’s longest study in happiness.

So what were the key lessons?

And how do you develop quality relationships.

Read more about it here >>> What Does Science Tell Us About The Key Secret To Happiness

2. Persistence

I walked into the shop and there they were. Lining up. Handing over the coupon.

Their expectant faces were hopeful. Maybe this was the moment.

Dream realized?

Most were sure this was “the” day.

But they all left disappointed.

Back to reality.

The chances for success were low.

A professional betting man wouldn’t bother paying the price. Despite that they keep hoping for that pay day when their numbers came up.

Winning the lottery is “that” big dream for many.

That quick fix.

A solution to their financial desperation.

But it rarely is.

The long game

According to Bill Gates “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”

Playing the long game is a trait that many can’t sustain. But it is the secret to success.

Having the patient persistence to hang in there and keep strapping yourself in and doing the work. Winning at business and life requires patience. That overnight success is rare. Normally it is decades in the making.

Building life transforming habits grow from perseverance.

Patience is boring

Success is a game of patience and whether you are a digital marketer, professional or entrepreneur there are some key activities that are worth investing in.

But they take time.

Social media offered a seeming magical solution to our marketing problems and it sometimes can. But the free lunch is turning into a mandatory paid strategy.

The quick fix of instant traffic can be intoxicating but you need money for that. And many small businesses don’t have that spare cash floating around.

But earning traffic, leads and sales can be done. Winning at business is not a lottery. Designing and building a life worth living and celebrating is not found in a coupon.

The secret to success isn’t a quick fix.

It requires patience. There is no other way. It is essential and often boring.

Here are some skills that you need to earn and persevere with to succeed in a digital world.

Read more about persistence here >>> This One Trait is the Secret to Success

3. Resilience

“There’s only one thing that’s worse than having an unhappy childhood, and that’s having a too-happy childhood.” – Dylan Thomas

Research shows that the majority of successful people have had tough times.

But we can’t choose that. That just happens.

Is being happy overrated?

The reality is that some of us have more resilience than others dialled in. And that is due to either your DNA or life’s experiences.

The human condition

As humans we play on the edge of success, chaos and tragedy.

This often happens while we are planning our lives.

That is the human condition.

The unexpected intersects with stability and security.

Events beyond our control.

We need resilience to ride over these speed humps.