7 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure

7 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure

Author: Alexandra Foster / Source: Jeffbullas's Blog A fear is such a special emotion that is pre-programmed into all people and animals

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7 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Get Rid of Your Fear of Failure

A fear is such a special emotion that is pre-programmed into all people and animals as an instinctual response to potential danger. Speaking biologically, when a person feels scared, certain areas of his or her brain are activated immediately and appear to control the first physical response – a fear.

While a common type of fear is a response to a real or perceived immediate threat, there is also another fear type which is called anxiety – subjectively unpleasant feelings of dread over anticipated events. And when we fear something that cannot actually harm us, it can escalate to a point where it affects our daily functioning, and we find ourselves constantly afraid of events that haven’t happened yet.

Fear of failure is one of the most common and most damaging fears that many people struggle with. This fear comes from the belief that if you give 100% and fail, then you’re a failure. This is the most devastating form of fear and overcoming it is essential for success.

Percentage of 18-64 population with positive perceived opportunities who indicate that fear of failure would prevent them from setting up a business, according to The GEM Adult Population Survey (APS), 2015

That is the reason why it is so important to get rid of this fear and here you can find seven efficient ways for how to do that.

1. Realize you are panicking

Many people get overwhelmed with emotions without realizing what should be done in one or another situation. That is why they start acting immediately and unwisely and it makes them regret it later. One of the pieces of advice given by psychologists is to realize that you might be panicking. The quality evaluation of the situation will bring about more positive results and worthy conclusions.

Another reason if you can’t make up your mind what should be done. In this case, you had better start looking for help if something seems impossible to overcome.

2. Identify your worst-case scenario

A fear of failure usually makes people give up on even the tiniest difficulty they face. But a fear becomes a great obstacle on your way so it is desirable to stop and think what might await you if you do not perform the assigned task or work properly.

Identifying the worst scenario that you might face in case of being overwhelmed with fear, you will see whether the consequences are really severe and require immediate involvement. In most cases, people realize that there are no obvious reasons to fear and make the right conclusions not influenced by it.

3. Do a reality check

Many people perceive a situation in a much more catastrophic way than it is in reality. Many facts that they consider truthful are only imagined by…