Eye-Tracking Study: How Consumers View Google Search Results for Hotels

Eye-Tracking Study: How Consumers View Google Search Results for Hotels

Author: Ayaz Nanji / Source: MarketingProfs The way consumers view Google results pages related to hotel searches has changed significan

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The way consumers view Google results pages related to hotel searches has changed significantly over the past few years, according to recent research from Travel Tripper.

The report was based on an eye-tracking study conducted using the Sticky platform. As part of the study, 100 consumers were shown desktop Google search engine results pages (SERPs) for three hotel names (Capitol Hill Hotel, Park Lane Hotel, and The New Yorker Hotel). Participants’ eye-movements were tracked as they looked at each SERP for 15 seconds.

In past studies, consumers tended to look at desktop SERPs in an F pattern: starting at the top with paid ads, then moving down to organic results, then across to the ads in the right column.

The rollout of new right column units by…