8 Instagram Analytics Tools You Should Be Using

8 Instagram Analytics Tools You Should Be Using

8 Instagram Analytics Tools You Should Be Using. Instagram is known mostly for engagement. Iconosquare also gives you a Buffer-like tool to manage how you post across several different accounts at one time. It will even let you compare influencers based on their own follower and engagement metrics, so you know what you’re dealing with before reaching out to them. In addition, you can see how your individual hashtags are performing, view the best days and times to post, and also benchmark your engagement rates against the competition. Minter.io Many of the tools already featured give you information about how your Instagram account or your individual posts perform based on your specific KPIs. Each account gets 10 comments on a single day. If you’re only posting twice a day, but the bulk of your audience posts four times per day, you can easily start increasing your posting frequency without fearing any backlash from your community. Picture.io Influence Score Picture.io is one of the few completely free analytics apps listed here. What is your favorite Instagram analytics metric to track?

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Instagram is known mostly for engagement.

Simply put: People love interacting with brands and other individuals. Without engagement, social media doesn’t exist, and engagement matters more on Instagram than most other platforms.

In fact, Instagram’s engagement has been measured at anywhere from four to twelve times that of other social channels.

So while you can sell on Instagram, this channel is better known for its benefits at the top of your sales funnel.

The problem with that is your marketing efforts don’t always link back to sales.

That means you’ll have to come up with other metrics and ways to measure performance to justify all of the time and money spent on Instagram.

I’m going to show you some of the best metrics to watch for in this post.

But you’re going to need to bring in at least one or two of the tools below to gain access to everything.

Here are eight of my favorite to try out.

1. Simply Measured

As the name suggests, Simply Measured helps you see how far and wide your brand spreads on Instagram.

Monitoring your new and total follower growth is a good start.

However, there are plenty of other ways you should be tracking growth potential over time. One good example includes the hashtags you use and how many people those are potentially reaching.

You should also be able to get a complete snapshot of how your videos are performing, from basic views to retention and even conversions.

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Simply Measured will also help you benchmark performance against competitors.

For example, you can spy on what works best for them before reverse engineering which content or campaigns are bringing in the best results.

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Best of all, you can even see which potential influencers already follow you.

That way, instead of spending big bucks on a massive influencer campaign, you might be able to work out some other similar arrangement for a fraction of the cost (by donating products, for example).

All of this is displayed in a simple-to-read visual dashboard to help give you an idea of which posts are providing the best bang for your buck.

It can also point you in the direction of new comments and related community discussions that you might want to participate in.

Simply Measured even features a “Social Conversion Funnel” feature to help you see how all of these engagement-based activities eventually increase your bottom line.

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For example, you can narrow down your metrics to a specific channel (like Instagram). You’ll see how Visits (Acquisition) lead to Pageviews (Behavior), and then to Conversions and Purchases.

Each ‘step’ or transition in between will give you a percentage-change calculation so you can see if each one is improving or lagging behind previous results.

Watching these ‘micro conversions’ in between can help you pinpoint exactly where a conversion roadblock might be forcing visitors to ‘drop off’ before ultimately purchasing.

For instance, your problem might not be related to conversions, necessarily, if your rate of Visits to Pageviews has been falling like a rock over the past few weeks.

If you’d like to start with a test drive, Simply Measured offers a free scaled report for basic Instagram analytics.

You’ll be able to instantly see how many likes and comments are rolling in on a daily basis (overlaid against your posting schedule so you can correlate results).

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It will even break down these results on a daily basis so that you can identify the best day of the week and time of day you post. These seemingly small changes maximize the amount of interaction each post gets.

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Last but not least, you’ll also be able to get instant feedback on which photo filters drive the most engagement with your own specific audience.

They’ll overlay the number of photos you’re posting with each filter with the engagement per photo. That way, you can tell if an engagement number is legit, or simply just looks good because you’ve only posted one or two photos with it recently.

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Pretty nice, right?

But we’re just getting started. Let’s take a look at Iconosquare next to see how it adds content creation and management tools alongside analytics reporting.

2. Iconosquare

There’s going to be some analytics overlap in a few of these tools.

Iconosquare kicks off by helping you understand how your posting frequency relates to or drives either new followers or lost ones on a daily basis.

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Iconosquare also gives you a Buffer-like tool to manage how you post across several different accounts at one time.

That makes it a perfect tool for freelancers or agencies that want to save time when managing multiple clients (or even multiple departments within the same company) from the same dashboard.

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Iconosquare will even show you comments and interactions on each post so you can keep the conversation going without ever leaving.

But that’s not even the best part.

My favorite Iconosquare feature is that they offer a library of awesome content that you can pull from at the ready.

You can quickly search the media library and grab beautiful, high-resolution images to use within seconds.

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Iconosquare also features an editorial calendar view so that you can schedule posts out ahead of time. It’s easier to manage social media when you plan out content in advance.

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Next, you can use it to search for influencers who might help you get the word out about new campaigns and posts.

It will even let you compare influencers based on their own follower and engagement metrics, so you know what you’re dealing with before reaching out to them.

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All of this sounds great, right?

But we haven’t even touched on their analytics yet.

Iconosquare has the basics down, including follower growth over time, gains and losses each day, and even a world view of where followers are located.

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In addition, you can see how your individual hashtags are performing, view the best days and times to post, and also benchmark your engagement rates against the competition.

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Iconosquare has a 14-day, no credit-card-required free trial. Play around with the analytics before you commit to it with your cash.

3. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is similar to Iconosquare in that it combines analytics with content creation and management tools.

It has a fully featured editorial calendar for scheduling new content across multiple different social account platforms (including Twitter and Facebook).

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Sprout Social is perfect for larger organizations with rigid guidelines, too, because it has a centralized media library…