3 Ways to Grow Your Business With Free Social Media Analytics

3 Ways to Grow Your Business With Free Social Media Analytics

3 Ways to Grow Your Business With Free Social Media Analytics. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest all provide information on engagement with your followers. But social media ads still have their place, and you can make the most of yours by utilizing your best content. “Boost” your most engaging posts on Facebook and push them to a broader audience. Audience demographics: Fine-tuning your customer profile The free social analytics offered on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest provide you with a detailed look at the demographics of your audience. What content do they want to see? It may be time to revisit your marketing plans and draft entirely new customer profiles. Are their likes increasing at a higher rate? If theirs has a higher engagement rate, how often are posts going up? Use what you find to adjust your content and posting tactics, and you’ll see better ROI in the long run.

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3 Ways to Grow Your Business With Free Social Media Analytics

You know your business needs to be on social media, but are your efforts contributing to sales?

Eighty-six percent of marketers believe that social media is important for their business, and U.S. spending on social media marketing is expected to top $17 billion per year by 2019. Yet only 3.4 percent of business leaders report that social media contributes very highly to their organization’s performance.

Social media’s impact on a business needs to be measured in order to prove — and improve upon — its ROI. But though delving into social analytics can be exciting, it also can be overwhelming. Marketing teams at startups or small businesses, if unable to invest in expensive analytics platforms, can quickly burn out trying to keep up with the endless data, and therefore will have no time left to apply their findings. In the end, if the analytics aren’t being supported by real-time social campaign improvements, the investment is worthless.

Though specialized social listening and analytics platforms can offer a wealth of information and support long-term strategy, businesses with tight budgets don’t necessarily need to invest in pricey tools right away. If your business has a social media presence on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, you can access a plethora of data from their built-in analytics platforms at no cost. Focusing on three key insights can take you far.

1. Engagement: The yardstick for social media advertising

Over the last year, more marketers and businesses have finally realized that while having a million followers looks cool, it doesn’t always equal more sales. Grow your audience and broaden your reach, but don’t forget that your engagement rate is the magic number. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest all provide information on engagement with your followers. This includes the data on the different ways they’re interacting with your content — liking, sharing, commenting, retweeting and repinning. If followers like your content enough to react to it publicly, they are more likely to return, continue growing their relationship with you and (hopefully) open their wallets.

When you review your most engaging posts, look for similarities to identify…