6 Tips to Using Emojis in Your Marketing Campaigns

6 Tips to Using Emojis in Your Marketing Campaigns

Grab your phone and look at the last few text messages you sent and received. While I’ve used them with some success in email marketing campaigns, I wanted to see what tips other business owners had regarding how to effectively use emojis. Know which emojis connect with your target audience. With so many different emojis available, it makes it important that you understand the meaning behind any you plan to use. “Because emojis are a somewhat new marketing tool, some brands go overboard and flood social media posts and email copy with them. Use emojis to add a personal element to your marketing. Emojis can help a brand add a personal element to its marketing, but remember that every situation is different. "How often should we use emojis? Incorporating emojis in your social media communication can help cold prospects warm up faster. Look at your social media engagement on posts using emojis and those that don’t have them.

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6 Tips to Using Emojis in Your Marketing Campaigns

Grab your phone and look at the last few text messages you sent and received. I’m willing to bet there were some emojis used.

They are quickly entering the world of marketingemail subject lines are now full of emojis, and you can even order from Domino’s by simply texting them the pizza emoji.

Soon, it won’t just be trendy to use emojis in your marketing — it will be essential. While I’ve used them with some success in email marketing campaigns, I wanted to see what tips other business owners had regarding how to effectively use emojis.

I sent out a request via Help a Reporter Out (HARO) and connected with six other business owners to discuss this new marketing tool. Below are six tips to help you use emojis effectively in your marketing campaigns. (Side note: If you aren’t using HARO, you are missing out — as I’ve mentioned in the past, it’s a great free tool to use to help your business score media coverage.)

1. Know which emojis connect with your target audience.

With so many different emojis available, it makes it important that you understand the meaning behind any you plan to use. You don’t want to start randomly throwing out emojis without a strategy — you need to make sure they are aligned with your audience.

“The approach we use is going to be much different than a company targeting millennials in terms of what emojis we use. While we might use a simple smiley face in an email subject line, a business looking to really grab the attention of a younger target market might use more edgy emojis,” explains Buzz Burgett of Northwest Mechanical.

2. Use emojis to encourage real-time engagement.

Peter Gregory, owner of Sound Tattoo Removal, uses emojis to trigger real-time engagement. “When we are marketing to those looking into the options available for removing a tattoo, we want to encourage an immediate engagement. Using emojis in a clever way helps to quickly draw attention to a call-to-action, amplify that emotional trigger and begin a conversation.”

I have found that using emojis in email subject lines drastically increases open rates. More…