Create A Killer Social Media Strategy [Infographic]

Create A Killer Social Media Strategy [Infographic]. It’s where your customers are: 74% of adult internet users are active on social media and 55% of buyers use social media sites when researching products. This infographic from Social Media Marketo breaks social media marketing down into 12 key steps that they say will help your business build a killer social media strategy. You can use a site like to figure out how to best target your audience. Find one that tends to share top content and would find your offerings relevant, then connect with them on social media and work on building a relationship by sharing their content. Identify social media platforms used by buyer persona. The content should be consistent, relevant, interesting, and valuable to your audience. In fact, sharing influencer content is a great way to build those important relationships, as mentioned above. Liking, retweeting, favoriting, sharing, posting relevant ads, and engaging with your audience is an investment and one that will pay off if done properly. If your strategy isn’t working for you, you need to tweak it.

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Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Periscope, LinkedIn … the list of platforms used by marketers goes on and on. Why the intense focus on social media marketing these days? It’s where your customers are: 74% of adult internet users are active on social media and 55% of buyers use social media sites when researching products. When your customers are on social media looking to learn more about you, it’s important that you’re there to make a good impression.

Most marketers are already well aware of this fact: 92% of marketers agree that social media is an important part of their business and 97% are using social media as part of their marketing strategy. 64% of sales teams use social media to reach their sales quotas, and 61% of B2B marketers use it to build leads. In fact, 31% of all traffic to websites is driven by the top 8 social media sites which together serve about 4.2 billion active monthly users.

This infographic from Social Media Marketo breaks social media marketing down into 12 key steps that they say will help your business build a killer social media strategy.

So what’s the best way to approach social media? Let’s see what Social Media Marketo has to say:

12 Simple Steps for an Effective Social Media Strategy

  1. Define target audience. What age, gender, location, income, and education groups are you targeting? Tools like Alexa and Google Adwords are helpful for research. The fuller the profile, the more accurate the targeting.
  2. Research buyer persona. These are fictionalized personas that can help you humanize your customers and develop an understanding of them. You can use a site like to figure out how to best target your audience.
  3. Research influencers. There’s a reason why we call them influencers – they influence! And if you can get one on your side, the results can be priceless. Spend some time researching influencers in your industry or field. Find one that tends to share top content and would find your offerings relevant, then connect with them on social media and work on building a relationship by sharing their content. You can use BuzzSumo to…