What Influencers Want Businesses to Know

What Influencers Want Businesses to Know

What Influencers Want Businesses to Know. As far as my full-time work goes, I have been a marketing manager for several years for a big business I love. First things first: If you aren’t doing influencer marketing in your company, you’re doing something wrong. What an influencer wants you to know: (We usually only care about your company when we first care about your offer). Nothing is more offensive than an email that is CLEARLY copied and pasted from who knows how many other people you’re reaching out to. Obviously, my name is Al, (any one can know that by looking anywhere on my platforms), and I don’t know who “Jessica” is, but me caring about whatever it is you want from me, is over. They have a large following because they’ve figured something out that works and connects with people and have built up a community on their platforms. As a business, what you need to know about influencers: You want to reach out to an influencer that matches your goals.

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If you aren’t doing these things, you’re doing Influencer Marketing wrong.

As far as my full-time work goes, I have been a marketing manager for several years for a big business I love.

As far as all my other work goes, I am classified as an “influencer.”

For over 6 years I have traveled all over the country as a multi-award winning speaker, author to a best-selling book, and have a large social media following.

So, between the 2 dynamics I feel qualified to address a few things all businesses should know.

First things first: If you aren’t doing influencer marketing in your company, you’re doing something wrong. But I’m not going to convince you on why. This is for all the smart companies who are and make sure you’re doing it right.

What an influencer wants you to know:


We get a TON of emails. While you may be tempted to go on and on about how great your company is and all that it’s accomplished — if you start your email with this — you’ve already lost us. 95% of the time we won’t even finish reading to see what you’re asking us about. Reword your email to have what you want from us first for better chances of us to: 1. See what you want from us 2. Respond 3. Care. (We usually only care about your company when we first care about your offer).


And if you don’t care about us, why should we care about helping you? Nothing is more offensive than an email that is CLEARLY copied and pasted from who knows how many other people you’re reaching out to. WAIT — yes there is — your copied and pasted message that you didn’t change the name on it from the previous influencer you tried to reach out to. Obviously, my name is Al, (any one can know that by looking anywhere on my platforms), and I don’t know who “Jessica” is, but me caring about whatever it is…