Content Marketing Buzzwords You Actually Need to Pay Attention To

Content Marketing Buzzwords You Actually Need to Pay Attention To

Author: Tyler Durman / Source: Business 2 Community Buzzwords. They’re all the rage. And they’re really fun to write about, too. Contently

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Buzzwords. They’re all the rage. And they’re really fun to write about, too. Contently has mastered the buzzword listicle year after year with witty insight on buzzspeak and content marketing lingo that constantly creeps into our conversations.

While we’ve all grown accustomed to yesterday’s buzzwords like “thought leadership,” “storytelling” and “snackable content,” there’s a new slew of them that have entered our everyday content marketing language. Here are six more content marketing buzzwords you actually need to pay attention to in 2017 and why.

1. Personalization
Personalization has been a buzzword for a while in the context of personalizing a subject line or greeting of an email with a contact’s name. This is the most basic form of personalization and has become a standard practice for email marketing. But in 2017 personalization should not be confused with segmentation. Segmentation is the process of grouping contacts by common characteristics like location, recent website activity and interests, and delivering content to those broad groups of contacts. Personalization is the process of tailoring the marketing experience by delivering individually relevant content to each contact.

Consumers today are openly rejecting brands’ traditional segmentation and one-to-many marketing strategies and instead favor those that deliver personally relevant content that aligns with their interests and preferences. Studies show nearly half of consumers won’t spend time with branded content if it’s not relevant to their interests. On the flip side, 86% reported that if a brand does a good job of providing personally relevant content, it makes them more interested in that brand’s products and services.

2. Artificial intelligence
Robots and androids have officially entered the content marketing space. Kidding. But really. Artificial intelligence