Facebook’s rocket ship icon is a test flight for a secondary news feed

Facebook’s rocket ship icon is a test flight for a secondary news feed

Author: Ian Paul / Source: CIO Credit: Ian Paul/PCWorld If you see a rocket-ship icon on your Facebook feed on iOS or Android (top of th

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Credit: Ian Paul/PCWorld

If you see a rocket-ship icon on your Facebook feed on iOS or Android (top of the screen for Android, bottom for iOS), it’s apparently because Facebook thinks one news feed is not enough. The social media platform is testing a second timeline where you can waste more time watching videos, memes, and reading popular articles.

Tapping the rocket-ship icon shows a news feed made up of popular articles, videos, and other posts from Facebook Pages. These are items Facebook believes will interest you, based on a number of criteria including similarity to other content you’ve liked, and a post’s popularity among your friends.

Facebook’s secondary news feed.

Facebook confirmed the test to TechCrunch in late March, before the…