12 Perfect Video Types for the B2B Customer Lifecycle [Infographic]

12 Perfect Video Types for the B2B Customer Lifecycle [Infographic]

Source: Vidyard If you’re reading this, you probably already know that video is an important part to accelerating the journey from prospect to custo

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If you’re reading this, you probably already know that video is an important part to accelerating the journey from prospect to customer. And you probably know that video is more than just a top-of-funnel asset, more than a brand awareness tool, and that consumers are craving video content more than any other type.

But when it comes to creating a video strategy, and one that’s particularly suited to your marketing plans throughout your funnel, video isn’t a one-size-fits-all medium.

In other words, different types of videos excel in different areas of the funnel. And different areas of the require different video characteristics like length or production value. Some videos, like those created specifically for social campaigns will be early-stage content that require higher-production assets; whereas others, like product demos that are targeting leads closer to purchase can get by with lower production value.

But where does each video fit? When should you call in the big wigs versus hit “record” yourself? And what are all the different types of videos you should be using, anyway?

We’ve got you covered. Check out the infographic below for the 12 different types of videos you should be using, all organized by:

  1. where they perform best in your customers’ lifecycle
  2. the optimal length
  3. the recommended production value
  4. the best distribution channels

Plus, once you’re done, check out some great examples of these 12 video types below the infographic!

The 12 Types of Videos that Work Best for Each Stage of the Customer Lifecycle

12 Types of Video Customer Lifecycle

We created this infographic to help marketers wrap their heads around all the different types of videos out there, so the more that see it, the better! Feel free to share this infographic on social or embed it on your own blog. Just use the embed code below or save the image and use as you like!

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