How to Amplify Your Pinterest Marketing

How to Amplify Your Pinterest Marketing

Author: Jonathan Chan / Source: Want more Pinterest exposure? Looking for ideas to create engaging Pinterest board

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Want more Pinterest exposure?

Looking for ideas to create engaging Pinterest boards?

A successful Pinterest marketing strategy relies on the right mix of individual pins and boards to attract viewers and drive engagement.

In this article, you’ll discover how three brands are using unique Pinterest boards to amplify their visual marketing.

Why Invest in Pinterest?

With just over 150 million active users, Pinterest has a smaller user base than Facebook and Twitter. However, its users browse with the intent to buy, making it an essential social media platform to be on.

How to Amplify Your Pinterest Marketing by Jonathan Chan on Social Media Examiner.
How to Amplify Your Pinterest Marketing by Jonathan Chan on Social Media Examiner.

While Pinterest initially attracted mostly female users, during 2016, the social network made an effort to reach more male users. Today, more than 40% of its base is male, which means the site is a good fit for most retail and ecommerce shops regardless of which gender makes up its target audience.

#1: Reach Wider Audiences via Dedicated Influencer Boards

Famous actors and actresses have long been influential in the fashion, beauty, and travel spaces but with the advent of social networks, a new crop of digital influencers has emerged.

Social media influencers will have thousands or even millions of followers, as well as a very high engagement rate. They have the power to persuade the fans and followers in their communities to buy a product or service simply by casually mentioning it in videos and sharing pictures of it on social networks like Instagram and Twitter.

You may think of Twitter and Instagram as the only social networks good for working with influencers, but if you’re looking to boost visibility for your Pinterest presence it makes sense to work with influencers who have strong Pinterest communities.

One effective way to do that is to assign guest boards on your profile to individual influencers who have agreed to work with you. For example, Becca Cosmetics works with influencers in the beauty space to create guest boards completely curated by those influencers.

Example of guest boards on Pinterest curated by influencers for Becca Cosmetics.
Examples of guest boards on Pinterest curated by influencers for Becca Cosmetics.

This tactic has multiple benefits. First, your brand will have an influx of high-quality pins. Second, if you contract with influencers to promote guest boards on their own social networks, they’ll bring new viewers to the boards, and by extension, to your profile. Finally, your brand will pop up in user searches for those influencers and put your products in front of their fans.

Finding the right influencers to work with is key to making this Pinterest tactic work for you. You’ll need to choose influencers who are actually influential in your industry.

Don’t just look at the number of followers someone has…