Author: Ashley Zeckman / Source: Online Marketing Blog - TopRank® Every organization experiences growing pains when it comes to growing t

Every organization experiences growing pains when it comes to growing their content marketing program. Customer needs quickly evolve which means that brands need to be agile enough to meet consumer demand.
The group that maybe has it toughest of all is B2B enterprise marketers. The added complexities of supplying content for multiple business units and product sets, geographical locations and therefore, multiple customer groups is no easy undertaking.
While many B2B enterprise marketers have managed to crack the code for successful content marketing, others are still struggling to manage expectations with reality. The new 2017 B2B Enterprise Content Marketing report from Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs and Knowledge Vision helps to uncover some of the top opportunities that exist for B2B enterprise marketers.
Below, I’ve pulled out four of the top opportunities uncovered by the report as well as some helpful tips for overcoming these common hurdles.
#1 – Content Programs Need to Mature

Only 2% of B2B enterprise marketers surveyed would describe their content marketing maturity as sophisticated. Eek! One of the biggest opportunities that seems to exist with this group is the ability to integrate content across the organization.
QuickTip: The complexities of organizational structure at enterprise brands should not to be taken lightly. While there may be completely separate business units that exist, it’s important to find a way for department heads to collaborate on some level. Even just knowing what another team is working on or has seen success with can help guide the content strategy for the other departments.
#2 – Content Results Aren’t Improving Significantly Year-Over-Year

One of the biggest…