Using a Journalistic Approach to Create an Efficient Video Marketing Campaign

Using a Journalistic Approach to Create an Efficient Video Marketing Campaign

Author: Kathy Heil / Source: Business 2 Community What do you think about this? Interesting Not Interesting Share Tweet If there’s one thi

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If there’s one thing that having a team of former television journalists has brought into the fabric of the StoryTeller culture, it’s a mindset of efficiency, especially when it comes to video production.

In television news, a day in the life of the production team (consisting typically of a videographer and reporter or field producer), means doing everything from ideating the story, to shooting, producing, and editing, turning a “package” around for same-day viewing. The lean team needs to be efficient and succinct without jeopardizing the quality of their work.

As a journalistic content agency, we have modeled a similar approach to the television news way of content creation when producing our clients’ stories. You’ll often hear us refer to our production process as “lean and mean” which has proven to be a valuable for our clients looking to . (Often times our clients are taken aback when our videographer and field producer show up carrying their own gear and lacking an entourage of “production hands”).

If you need a few reminders why video should be front and center in your 2017 marketing plan, consider these recent stats:

  • 4 times as many consumers would prefer to watch a video about a product than to read about it
  • Video ads increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%
  • Videos on landing pages increase average page conversion rates by 86%
  • By including the word “video” in an email subject line increases open rates by 19% and click-thru-rates by 65%

So, you get it. You need it, know the value of its impact, but how do you put a plan in place to make an impact for…