4 Tips for Telling a Story with Marketing Video

4 Tips for Telling a Story with Marketing Video

Author: Julie / Source: The Video Marketing Blog Every great marketing video has a few key takeaways. Focusing content around a clear them

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Every great marketing video has a few key takeaways. Focusing content around a clear theme or idea illustrating why a viewer or prospective customer should choose your business is central in storytelling — and especially in capturing people’s attention in a saturated world wide web.

In today’s online world, businesses have seconds to win over customers with video; that makes it tempting to pack a list of benefits and calls to action into an explainer or other marketing video. Why should you avoid this temptation? Packing a bunch of information into a video is simply not as convincing nor memorable as telling a story with that information. And in order to inspire your viewers to take action, you need to convince them.

Here are 4 brand storytelling tips to have in mind when creating video content for your audience.

Creating video for the sake of updating your YouTube channel or Instagram page is not a long-term strategy. In order to maximize results, treat video communication as a way to showcase your brand’s personality in a way that addresses and informs audience needs.

Consider the format of the video. How can voiceover, titles, or animations introduce the video subject and establish the narration? Will you use a voice over or a combination of voiceover and animated titles? These are the elements that will color your video canvas, giving it structure, life, and voice.

A scene from our video announcement introducing a new feature.

The setting, characters, and plot of your video communication all contain contextual clues…