Video Marketing or How to Make Your Video Make Business Sense

Making sure the audience will get it. Once you know what you want to achieve and you have that ‘business goal’ clarified the next and most important and indeed, challenging step is the time to craft a message for your target audience that will support and/or achieve that business goal. It’s about creating a message audiences will believe, that will get them to take that necessary next step in your sales process. This is where the value truly lies in great video production. Once you’ve figured out what you want to achieve and the messaging to get you there, the next step is working out what to show. Crafting a creative direction with a business objective in mind is serious work. Whether you’re shooting a live action piece or producing an animation this is the point where you take the commercial direction, messaging and creative development, and craft something will connect with your audience and drive a reaction to your message. This step in the process is generally referred to as editing, not only in the video industry but by many other creative and media industries. Targeting your audience by understanding how and where they will watch this video is key. Understand this and you are taking the first step to ensure your video makes business sense, and delivers.

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So you want to make a video, but what is your business objective?

This is where it all begins. This is the reason you’re doing the video and is what you want to achieve. Despite so often being overlooked, you simply CANNOT start building the overarching message of your video until you understand the business motivation behind it.

“Everyone else is doing it.”

“I saw this cool video and want to do one.”

“I need something that’ll go viral.”

  • Are you driving engagement through a social channel?
  • Reaching out to a new audience?
  • Demonstrating a product?
  • Articulating a new brand direction to an established audience?

These are business goals. They have a verifiable and measurable effect on a business.

If you haven’t figured out this step, save your money…don’t do a video.

I can hear my colleagues shouting at the screen now as some people might disagree with me on that. But if we can’t establish with a client the fundamental business goal of a piece of work, we’re all going to get it wrong and the client will not be happy and won’t come back.

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Making sure the audience will get it.

Once you know what you want to achieve and you have that ‘business goal’ clarified the next and most important and indeed, challenging step is the time to craft a message for your target audience that will support and/or achieve that business goal.

Video production budgets will generally only put a very small amount of time and budget into this essential part of the process.

Working with a client is key to achieve parity of thought on this. Often companies don’t understand their audience or customer base as much as they’d really like to. It’s our job as creative agencies to come up with a message that will resonate with that audience and drive their behavior to meet your objective.

It’s about creating a message audiences will believe, that will get them to take that necessary next step in your sales process.

What do you show?

This stage is traditionally referred to as pre-production. This is…