21 Bing Ads Hacks That’ll Increase Clicks While Decreasing Spend

21 Bing Ads Hacks That’ll Increase Clicks While Decreasing Spend

Bing. “I need to Google that.” So with Google absolutely dominating the search engine world, is it a waste of time to talk about other search engines? Using this tool, you can hyper target your ads so they reach users at the best times. It’s much more convenient than Google’s Shopping results, so people are way more likely to click on a Product Ad. This is one of the most useful features in Bing Ads, and it’s a no-brainer to use. The most important feature of Bing Webmaster Tools is the keyword research feature. or Bing. If you’re familiar with Google AdWords, you’ll quickly adapt to Bing Ads and its extensive options. They’re probably not using Bing Ads! Do you use Bing Ads?

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Before I launch into this article, I want to get the elephant in the room out of the way.


I know what you might be thinking: “Really, Neil? Bing?”

Yes, I meant Bing. No, that’s not a typo or a joke.

There’s no doubt that Google is the goliath in the search engine space. They’ve done an excellent job of making “Google” synonymous with “search engine.”

Heck, Google is even the go-to verb people use when they talk about searching on the web. “I need to Google that.”

So with Google absolutely dominating the search engine world, is it a waste of time to talk about other search engines?

It might surprise you, but Bing is anything but a waste of time.

A lot of people hate on or even make fun of Bing. That’s mostly because it’s the closest competitor to Google, and people assume it’s tiny.

But Bing is shockingly big.

In 2015, 1 out of 5 people used Bing. Experts like Mark Hachman, the senior editor of PCWorld, made the switch from Google to Bing.

And as of May 2016, Bing’s market share was growing while Google’s was dropping.

Needless to say, lots of people use Bing.

Like Google, Bing also offers ads. And there’s a ton of power here.

There’s good reason to use Bing Ads. The search engine receives 11 billion monthly searches and 59 million users that are exclusive to Bing.

So here’s the big question: How do you make the most of your Bing Ads?

I compiled a master list of 21 hacks that experts have used to create outstanding Bing ads.

If you’re new to Bing Ads, first check out my article on setting up a campaign.

Then get ready to learn a bunch of tips to take your ads to the next level.

1. Use the time zone feature

Bing has a really cool feature that allows you to specify time zones for your ads.

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Using this tool, you can hyper target your ads so they reach users at the best times.

You could be wasting precious ad dollars without modifying time zones.

Your ad might be reaching New York during the daytime, but that means it’s nighttime in Tokyo. You get the idea.

If you’re trying to target people around the world, you can’t miss out on this feature.

2. Target specific devices

Bing gives you precise control over which devices your ads reach.

This comes in handy if you’re optimizing for certain type of devices, like mobile devices (see #11 on this list).

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You can even target specific operating systems. I love that level of detail.

So if you know what devices your audience uses, you’re all set to go.

3. Fine-tune search demographics

Demographics are important, right?

But be honest: How much do you really take them into account?

Maybe you want more control than what AdWords gives you. If so, look no further, because Bing gives you the ability to decide exactly who sees your content:

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Using this feature after researching your demographics can help your ads become super specific.

You can go as narrow or as wide as you want, and you can adjust it with each campaign you run.

4. Use Bing Product Ads

As you might expect, Bing has a lot of features that are similar to Google.

Take Google’s Shopping results for example.

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Bing has its own version that’s integrated even more directly than Google.

Bing’s Product Ads feature lets you display your products right on the SERPs:

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Users don’t even have to click on a separate tab. All the results are there, ready to be clicked.

It’s much more convenient than Google’s Shopping results, so people are way more likely to click on a Product Ad.

If you sell a product, whether it’s physical or digital, this is a feature you can’t afford to ignore.

5. Spy on your competition

Are you curious about how your competitors are doing?

With Bing, you can get detailed metrics on other sites in your niche.

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You can see how much influence you have compared to your competition. This is one of the most useful features in Bing Ads, and it’s a no-brainer to use. What more could you want?

6. Remarket to interested users

I want you to picture this situation.

I’m sitting at my computer, searching for a keyword on Bing. I see your Bing Ad and click on it.

That’s a success, right? It’s practically a guaranteed conversion!

Not exactly…

Let’s say I remember I have to send an email, so I click out of your site and forget about it.

It seems like you’ve lost me. And this happens to millions of people every day.

But here’s the good news: You can actually remarket to those people using Bing’s Custom events feature:

As with most of the features in Bing Ads, you can get really detailed here and remarket to the exact audience you want.

In this situation, you can set up a custom event to remarket to people who interacted with your site in some way. You can even use regex to narrow your focus even more.

This means you’ll have a higher chance of converting those people instead of losing them forever.

7. Fine tune your Automated Rules

This is another standout feature of Bing Ads.

Automation is fantastic. If you can automate something without losing quality, do it.

What’s nice about Bing Ads is the ability to create Automated Rules to help you run your campaigns on autopilot.

There are 13 types of rules you can make:

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And you can change a ton of parameters for each rule.

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Spend some time with this feature. It might take a while to master, but you’ll be rewarded with…