What You Can Learn from the Best 6 Lead Magnet Tools

What You Can Learn from the Best 6 Lead Magnet Tools. Unfortunately, these tools are few and far between. Quick Sprout SEO strategy Free tools are one of the best ways to provide value to a potential customer and generate countless leads. So you’ll also get insights into what content is working on your site and what isn’t. Jon has a few products and services for sale on his site. And then you can even import those leads to different email campaigns based on users’ responses: Once you’ve created a free account and set up a quiz, you can send it to your larger list or site traffic. However, if they come back to the site after already downloading one of those, they’ll see a new CTA. That’s exactly how they personalized the CTAs to focus on these newfound needs: Tons of lead magnets that I come across everyday lack the following principles that are proven to convert: Address the problem for the user and create the need for a solution. That means that your lead magnet isn’t just generating new email addresses. You can do exactly that by analyzing the best lead magnet tools in the industry.

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Lead magnets come in all shapes and sizes.

But only a few stand out from the rest.

It seems like every single website has a treasure trove of e-books, checklists, and email courses.

There are too many of these floating around now.

People don’t want to opt-in and read an e-book. They want an instant solution to their problem.

The best lead magnet tools deliver on that promise. And that makes them irresistible to sign up for.

There’s another added benefit with the best ones.

Instead of a one-time email trade for a piece of content, you hook them in with a tool that’s so useful that they can’t help but return.

Unfortunately, these tools are few and far between. And many marketers have trouble implementing them on their own sites.

Thankfully, I’ve been able to pull together six incredible lead-magnet tools.

This is the place to start if you’re trying to increase your leads.

I’m going to show you exactly how to create your own high-converting lead magnet today.

But first, I’ll walk you through these examples to analyze what they’re doing right.

And by the end, you’ll know exactly how to boost conversions.

1. Impact Branding’s inbound marketing ROI calculator

Inbound marketing is 3x more likely to generate a high ROI than outbound.

You’ve heard that it’s a proven ROI booster, regardless of industry.

Inbound marketing allows businesses to spend less on typical marketing tactics while still generating tons of new leads and sales.

Businesses that focus heavily on inbound efforts drive leads that cost 61% less than outbound leads.

And content marketing’s ROI has risen 300% in the past couple years.

But here’s the problem.

How does it do any of this?

Most companies still don’t understand what it is, how it works, or why they should jump on the bandwagon.

They read all these same stats. However, when push comes to shove, the budget goes back into AdWords or billboards.

Thankfully, Impact Branding & Design’s ROI Calculator gets us one step closer to solving this problem.

We’ve all heard about the amazing power of inbound marketing and how it can skyrocket your conversions and ROI.

Instead of another lecture on “why inbound marketing is important,” they show you with cold, hard data.

Let me show you how it works and what you can learn from it.

You simply fill out the basic form sliders based on the following average data:

  • Monthly site visitors
  • Leads
  • Qualified leads
  • Close rate
  • Lifetime value

Now, the calculator will project your expected results.

It will forecast your average conversion rate, leads per month, customers, and ultimately profit.

Next, this lead magnet will set the hook using their “impact on your bottom line” section.

Here’s why this works.

First, they’re showing you how current results are falling short. You should be doing better than you are now.

Second, they’re putting all of this into context with the “bottom line” estimate.

Let’s say that you’re considering investing $30,000 in inbound marketing.

If you can see that a 1% conversion increase and a 30% traffic increase will bring in $125,000, your next question is more likely, “Where do I sign up?”

Which is exactly the next question that their calculator leads you to after crunching these numbers:

Nice, right?

Most website visitors don’t realize they need your widget just yet. And even if they do, the price will be one of their first objections.

This calculator effectively kills both of those problems before they actually become problems.

All while positioning their services as the investment or solution to someone’s real problem of not having enough customers.

2. Quick Sprout SEO strategy

Free tools are one of the best ways to provide value to a potential customer and generate countless leads.

People are always searching for ways to solve their problems.

And “free” is always one of the most compelling value propositions you can use.

Take Quick Sprout for example.

You immediately see a free tool when you land on the homepage.

This tool is designed to do one thing: Get you more traffic.

It will quickly diagnose the biggest bottlenecks and website issues that are holding you back.

The goal isn’t to just help you one time, though. Instead, the end goal is to help you fix all of these problems over time.

Here’s how it works and what you can learn from it.

Simply plug in your URL, and real-site feedback will pop up within minutes.

Some of the first few sections will focus exclusively on SEO. You’ll first get insight into basic meta tags like your title and description.

That information is helpful. But metadata is just one piece of the SEO puzzle.

So you’ll also get insights into what content is working on your site and what isn’t.

Once again, all of this information is completely free.

And so far, you haven’t had to provide any other information, not even an email address. There’s no hard-sell the minute you land on the site.

Beneath the website test, though, there is a CTA.

But this isn’t just any old CTA. Take a look for yourself:

You’re not being asked to enter your email address to “get updates” or “stay up-to-date.”

Those are weak value propositions in comparison.

Instead, the idea is to stay with you. This tool is an asset that can help you find and fix problems as they pop up.

People get enough email newsletters as it is.

They want actionable insights on how to fix the lingering problems that are holding them back from reaching their goals!

3. Jon Loomer’s Facebook Ads quiz

Quizzes are one of my favorite types of lead-magnet tools to use.

They’re engaging and entertaining for the user.

They provide a tangible, concrete, end result when finished.

And they allow you, the company behind the quiz, to segment new leads without any extra work!

Each answer someone gives you can help you determine exactly where to ‘bucket’ or classify each lead.

You can match them up with your…