Introducing ‘The Storytelling Edge’

Introducing ‘The Storytelling Edge’

Contently has a book coming out! You can order it here. A little while ago, my mother sent me an email with the subject line, “The Youngest Storyteller.” There was a picture of a three-year-old kid holding a big microphone on a stage with a big smile on his face. Apparently I decided to join some neighborhood talent show. First, I have been weird since the age of three. As anyone who’s followed Contently or The Content Strategist knows, telling stories is one of the best ways to build relationships and make people care in business. Over the last seven years at Contently, we’ve dedicated serious time to breaking down the art and science of business storytelling—how stories work on our brains, how brands can tell stories that connect with people, and how technology can help those stories reach the right people and lead them to the right places. After all of these stories, Wiley recently approached us about putting together a book on what we’ve learned. In it, you’ll learn: The science of how stories affect our brains The crazy history of content, from the Renaissance to today How to start using counter-intuitive storytelling techniques for every article, presentation, meeting, and negotiation Ways to orchestrate a storytelling engine that is accountable for business results We’d be thrilled if you pre-ordered a copy of The Storytelling Edge for you or a friend. But if you’re on a budget (or hate books), we’re also launching a free email course based on the book, starting in January.

11 Visual Storytelling Tools and How They’ll Help Your Content Marketing
Infuse Your Content with Small Stories for a Big Effect1
The Relationship Between Branding and Emotion

Contently has a book coming out! You can order it here. And if you’d like to subscribe to our free email course on becoming a more powerful storyteller, you can sign up here!

A little while ago, my mother sent me an email with the subject line, “The Youngest Storyteller.” There was a picture of a three-year-old kid holding a big microphone on a stage with a big smile on his face. Apparently I decided to join some neighborhood talent show. My talent: telling a spooky story about “the dark, dark house.” The punchline had something to do with a green jelly bean.

young Shane Snow
young Shane Snow storytelling

I learned two things from this little trip down memory lane. First, I have been weird since the age of three. Second, I have always loved telling stories.

But if you think about it, so have you.

Humans tell stories every day. We tell stories about our past when we get to know each other. We tell stories to convey ideas and make people remember. As anyone who’s followed Contently or The Content Strategist knows, telling stories…