How Sales Can Triple Response Rates With Video

How Sales Can Triple Response Rates With Video

Just remember, it’s nothing personal. Buyers are bombarded with as many as 2,900 messages each day. Filtering allows buyers to stay sane and only consciously engage with the messages that matter and make impact with them. As a sales rep, if you want to break through that superhuman filter, and get prospects to carve out time for you then be like your buyer’s friends and create a personal connection. There’s no better way to do this than with video. It’s easier to share this in a video than to pack it all into a short email. Use Personalized Video Throughout Your Sales Process A personalized video is a devastating weapon for breaking through subconscious filters and achieving awareness. Keep viewers watching for 35 percent longer. Once a buyer’s attention has been captured, a video is a fantastic medium for interestingly communicating a lot of information. If you’re a sales rep looking to learn what steps you need to take to embrace video prospecting, and throughout the entire sales process then “How Our SDRs Tripled Response Rates with Personal Video Messaging” is the video for you!

5 Techniques For Successful Sales Prospecting
Tracking Your Link Prospecting Using Lists in Link Explorer
Hyper-Targeted Prospecting: Be So Good They Can’t Ignore You

There is nothing worse for a sales rep then trying to book a call with a prospect and hearing “Sorry I’m slammed, my calendar is too full, let’s reschedule next week, next month, next quarter, or next YEAR!” It can derail any rep and kill momentum, leaving you questioning if they were even a good fit, to begin with.

Just remember, it’s nothing personal. Buyers are bombarded with as many as 2,900 messages each day. They are busy with a lot on the go and have to be strict with what gets time on their calendar. The only way to process it all is to develop a subconscious filter for everything that sounds irrelevant. Filtering allows buyers to stay sane and only consciously engage with the messages that matter and make impact with them.

So what messages cut through the noise? Ones from friends, family, colleagues, and trusted influencers. As a sales rep, if you want to break through that superhuman filter, and get prospects to carve out time for you then be like your buyer’s friends and create a personal connection.

There’s no better way to do this than with video.

Video is transforming many organizations sales processes and their results, like Terminus who saw great numbers after implementing video into their sales cycle:

  • 40% increase in email open rates
  • 37% increase in click rates
  • 216% higher response rates

Video is a simple way to turn your sales process around, and drive even greater results (like tripling response rates) and here is how you can get started;

Use Video For Sales Prospecting

When you’re freshly reaching out to a new lead, it’s so important that you stand out and get noticed. Prospecting emails have to stick out in crowded inboxes. For BDR and SDR teams, the best opportunities to spice up those prospecting emails with video