Why Social Media is a Bet You Can’t Win and What You Can Do About It

Why Social Media is a Bet You Can’t Win and What You Can Do About It

A lot of people are betting their businesses on social media. But the key thing is that Instagram does not allow you to put a link into a post. Because they make more money when people are staying on their platform because they can sell more ads. But the average citizens working in the social media platforms don’t understand all of the back-end sequences that happen. The statistics are basically advertising to you to spend money on the platform so that your stuff can be seen more. If there’s an audience out there and I don’t have content for them, I need to create content and fill in the gaps so that I can communicate the right stuff to the right people at the right time. You want to make sure that you have the content on your website in a place where you can utilize it, and then share it to social media. When I say engagement, are people seeing what you’re posting? Final Thoughts So, those five things are the cornerstones of what you can do to unstack the deck in the social media casino. Comment below and share your thoughts, ideas or questions about showing the concepts presented.

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Today I wanna talk about why social media is a bet you can’t win and what you can do about it. A lot of people are betting their businesses on social media.

I was in a client meeting where they were asking, how do we increase more sales from Instagram? Well, you have to drive traffic to where people spend money, right? But the key thing is that Instagram does not allow you to put a link into a post. You can create engagement, but it’s really hard to drive traffic from Instagram. Same thing with Facebook. Same thing with LinkedIn and Twitter.

Those are all platforms which are built around engagement. They want people to stay inside of their sandbox. They want people to play there. Why? Because they make more money when people are staying on their platform because they can sell more ads. So when you think about it, social media is built around advertising. Not about promoting your content. Unless, you’re paying for the advertising.

Betting On Your Business?

I personally think that there are great ways to use social media and to build your business. But the average person walking in is like an armature gambler at a casino. A professional gambler understands a lot more logic behind the games that they’re playing. But the average citizens working in the social media platforms don’t understand all of the back-end sequences that happen.

The deck is stacked against us.

When you walk into a casino. If you’re playing roulette and betting, let’s say $100 an hour, in the long run you’re going to lose about $5.25 an hour. That means you have basically about 20 hours until you’ll be broke. Believe me. I’ve played roulette. I’ve lost a lot faster than that.

But what the casinos are counting on is one particular thing, which is the loudest and most colorful attraction in the casino. It attracts most first time gamblers. That’s the slot machine. The odds of winning a considerable amount of money on a slot machine are extremely high. Yet it’s near impossible for anybody to make money on it. Yeah, you can get lucky. But the odds of winning are really stacked in the favor of the casino.

The Social Media Casino

Now, I’m not saying that social media platforms are casinos. But, they’re in the business of making money just like a casino is. So if you think about it, social media is kind of like the slot machine. It’s the bright, shiny object that gets everybody’s attention.

The average person spends around 22 minutes on Facebook a day. They spend maybe about four minutes a day on LinkedIn, which is nowhere near as much time. But here’s the thing about social media that you have to be aware of: first and foremost, you don’t own it. Everything you put up there, you don’t own. Now you may put a link from something you do own, like a podcast or a blog or a graphic you’ve created, for example. But you don’t own it.
