You Can Apply for Jobs on Facebook Now

You Can Apply for Jobs on Facebook Now

Today Facebook announced a new feature that will allow Facebook business Pages to post jobs and manage applications on its platform. In over 40 countries, administrators will be able to create job listings directly from their Pages, where they'll appear throughout Facebook like any other post or ad would: the Page itself, followers' News Feeds, and Marketplace, as well as Facebook's new "Jobs" dashboard. On top of being able to track hiring the way they might analyze any other promoted post campaign, Page administrators can also manage and communicate with applicants via Messenger. The launch comes at an interesting time when Facebook has been making a series of moves to promote more content from a user's own personal network -- more than they do from Pages. At the same time, HubSpot's research has indicated plans to increase the use of LinkedIn among a similar demographic -- ages 18 to 34. But Facebook didn't necessarily build the Jobs features with one subset of users in mind -- even if LinkedIn shows signs of growing popularity among a population that coincides with the same one where Facebook is predicted to see a loss. "While candidate information might not be as rich as it is on LinkedIn, Facebook definitely has a more active user base and serves a much easier way for businesses to get jobs in front of potential applicants," says Franco. In 2017, "Google for Jobs" premiered, in which job seekers could type in search criteria like "jobs in Boston" or "marketing jobs" to see listings displayed right in the general search engine results page (SERP). "It's interesting that the job posting market is becoming so crowded here," he says. Featured Image Credit: Facebook

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Today Facebook announced a new feature that will allow Facebook business Pages to post jobs and manage applications on its platform.

In over 40 countries, administrators will be able to create job listings directly from their Pages, where they’ll appear throughout Facebook like any other post or ad would: the Page itself, followers’ News Feeds, and Marketplace, as well as Facebook’s new “Jobs” dashboard.

Benefits to Businesses and Users

Facebook has positioned the Jobs feature as a benefit to both employers and job seekers. On top of being able to track hiring the way they might analyze any other promoted post campaign, Page administrators can also manage and communicate with applicants via Messenger.

That’s a plus for applicants themselves, who can look for listings on the new Jobs dashboard according to criteria like location, full- or part-time status, and industry.

Jobs on Facebook, a recruitment tool for facebook business pages
Jobs on Facebook, a recruitment tool for facebook business pages

The application process works similarly to one like LinkedIn, allowing users to automatically populate job history according to what’s publicly available on his or her Facebook profile.

And for those who shudder at the thought of an employer seeing such a profile, fear not — Facebook has emphasized that “businesses will only be able to see information you provide them directly, and what’s available publicly on your Facebook profile.”

Once an application is submitted, a Messenger conversation between the applicant and the employer’s Page is created to maintain contact, confirm the application was received, and send reminders for or schedule things like interviews.

Built With Users (and LinkedIn) in Mind?

The launch comes at an interesting time when Facebook has been making a series of moves to promote more content from a user’s own personal network — more than they do from Pages.

The development also comes on the heels of recent predictions that Facebook will lose 5.8% of users between 18 and 24 in 2018. At the same time, HubSpot’s research has…