7 Important Digital Skills All Marketers Should Master In 2017

Marketing isn’t what it was 10 years ago (or even 5), with all the advancements of technology and data the past few years have brought. According to , half of all new marketing hires will require technical skills. In the modern world, that is best accomplished through collecting and analyzing data--often in large amounts. Someone who works with e-commerce clients, for instance, will be that much more valuable when they can point to the impact their work has had on the clients' business KPIs, not just SEO ranking.” Some people may claim that SEO is dead, but for marketers, that couldn’t be further from the truth. That said, algorithms and best practices are constantly evolving, so SEO is one skill that requires consistent updating and refining. Being familiar with HTML at the very least will expedite the process of getting that content on the site and looking good. The good news is once you understand how to get around one CMS, it’s not tricky to get around another. “Audiences spend more time with live video, and are willing to show up, participate, and join the conversation on social media more so than with VOD (video on demand) or blog content.” The trick (and difficulty) to live video, though, is that it still has to be polished and compelling. “Marketers and publishers need to be sure they're ready to create high-quality live video for audiences in 2017, and that includes everything from equipment to on-screen talent. As this becomes the norm in content marketing, only the best live video will stand out.“

The Top 8 Social Media Marketing Trends in 2017 [Infographic]
Movies in Your Customer’s Minds: Video Marketing Trends, Take 10
Why Top EMEA Marketers Are Ready To Adopt Marketing Automation

Marketing isn’t what it was 10 years ago (or even 5), with all the advancements of technology and data the past few years have brought. According to , half of all new marketing hires will require technical skills. Here are some that will probably be on that list of job requirements.

The very cornerstone of marketing as an industry is understanding the target audience in order to reach out to them effectively. In the modern world, that is best accomplished through collecting and analyzing data–often in large amounts.

Jess Vadino, senior strategist at , says, “No marketer needs to be a data scientist, but marketers should know the ins and outs of analytics platforms they use – and those their clients use. Someone who works with e-commerce clients, for instance, will be that much more valuable when they can point to the impact their work has had on the clients’ business KPIs, not just SEO ranking.”

Some people may claim that SEO is dead, but for marketers, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Organic search results have the potential to be much more powerful than paid ads, especially if they make it to the first page, and it’s been estimated that nearly 40% of customers find the company through search.

That said, algorithms and best practices are constantly evolving, so SEO is one skill that requires consistent updating and refining. Because of this, many companies prefer to have a dedicated SEO expert (or a team of them) rather than more general marketing professionals who know some SEO. Still, it’s well worth…