Six Ways Thinking Like a Cartoonist Boosts Your Content Marketing2

You can say so much visually and with a simple caption and make people think, laugh and feel. And humorous content is some of the most shared content online. What I know from the improv and comedy stage is that laughter connects in visceral, meaningful ways bypassing the “logic brain.” Source: (Tom Fishburne) Cartoons teach us so many great things about content, marketing, and connecting with audiences. Here are six ways creating like a cartoonist can make you a better marketer: 1. Great Content Contains Big Truth Content that connects contains truth. Cartoons communicate a single big a-ha in an economy of words—with a headline (caption) and a powerful visual element. Just as cartoonists think through their ‘punchline,’ marketers need to convey a single big, bold, human headline. If people only scan visuals in your content, what “message” would they get? What does your ideal audience think about most? If they don’t see themselves reflected in that message, you’ve aimed too wide.

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Six Ways Thinking Like a Cartoonists Boosts Your Content Marketing

It’s no secret—I am a humor nerd. At 8, my first class
presentation was on one of Hollywood’s first comic stuntmen, Harold

As a marketer, storyteller and performing improviser, I love
anything that makes me think and laugh. That’s why I love cartoons
so much. We all do. If you’re human, anyway!

You can say so much visually and with a simple caption and make
people think, laugh and feel. And humorous content is some of the
most shared content online. What I know from the improv and comedy
stage is that laughter connects in visceral, meaningful ways
bypassing the “logic brain.”


Source: (Tom Fishburne)

Cartoons teach us so many great things about content, marketing,
and connecting with audiences. Over the years, I have had the
pleasure of chatting with and interviewing cartoonists, including
my friend Liza Donnelly of the The New Yorker, about the craft of
cartooning and what all marketers can learn from cartoons (watch
her great TED Talk here

That’s the goal behind content marketing: connecting and
inspiring action, whether it’s word of mouth, sharing great
content, or converting to a sale. If you want your audience
to open their wallets; you must first open up meaningful
connections with them.

Here are six ways creating like a cartoonist can make you a
better marketer:

1. Great Content Contains Big Truth

Content that connects contains truth. Humor is about the
emotional truth
–not facts, not data. Cartoons communicate
a single big a-ha in an economy of words—with a headline (caption)
and a powerful visual element.

If you…