Beginner’s Guide to Customer Conversion Funnel

Beginner’s Guide to Customer Conversion Funnel

But leveraging the basic concepts of the customer conversion funnel will make it easier for you to guide the consumer through the buying process. One of the most effective ways to create awareness is to improve your SEO strategy. That’s an example of the awareness stage in the conversion funnel. Generate interest Now that people are familiar with your brand, it’s time to take them through the next step of your conversion funnel. Your content strategy is going to be your best friend during this stage of the funnel. Your website needs to provide visitors with as much information as possible about your business so that you can answer any questions they might have. You’re trying to guide consumers through the conversion funnel. Implementing these tactics will help increase the chances that consumers will make it all the way through the conversion funnel. Start by creating brand awareness. How is your company using the customer conversion funnel to drive sales?

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How do you get a new customer?

It may seem like a simple question, but the answer may be more complex than you think. Sure, you’ve got various advertising campaigns, and you’re generating sales.

A reasonable assumption would be that your marketing promotions are creating sales. While this may be partially true, it’s not a full answer.

One of the keys to running a successful business is to understand the customer buying process. Just because you’re selling something a consumer wants or needs doesn’t mean you are automatically in a position to make a sale.

But leveraging the basic concepts of the customer conversion funnel will make it easier for you to guide the consumer through the buying process.

This puts you in a position to maximize your conversion rates and ultimately generate more profits for your company.

There is a ton of information on the Internet about the customer conversion funnel. The funnel may look a little bit different, depending on whom you ask.

While the terminology may vary slightly, here is a basic visualization of what this funnel looks like:

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These are the steps a buyer goes through before they finalize a purchase. I’ll refer to this image as we continue through this post.

Throughout this guide, we’ll look at different versions of the funnel and discuss each stage in greater detail.

I’ll also show you some great marketing examples you can incorporate into your own funnel as a way to get more customers and drive sales.

If you are not familiar with the customer conversion funnel, this guide will cover all the basic concepts. Here’s what you need to know.

Create brand awareness

As you can see from the funnel I just showed you, the first stage of the process is the awareness phase.

The idea here is for you to come up with marketing strategies that can promote your company to a new audience. As of now, these consumers don’t know your brand exists.

You need to change that.

Obviously, this is much easier said than done. But there are plenty of ways for you to make this happen. It all depends on the goals of your company.

You’ll also have to decide how much money you want to spend when it comes to creating brand awareness. If you’re low on funds, you’ll want to take a look at my top tactics for marketing your company on a budget.

One of the most effective ways to create awareness is to improve your SEO strategy.

Remember, at this point, the consumers don’t know you exist yet. All they know is they have a want or need for something. Chances are they will start with a search engine.

A higher search engine ranking increases the chances of you getting more organic traffic to your website. In fact, 33% of clicks go to the top search result on Google.

Furthermore, the first page of an Internet search controls 75% of all clicks.

That’s why businesses are investing time and money into optimizing all their marketing channels for SEO in 2018.

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As you can see from the data, your website isn’t the only way for you to generate new leads and create brand awareness with SEO.

Social media is another cost-effective way to promote your business. In fact, 55% of consumers have made purchases directly through social media platforms.

That’s why I believe one of the best ways for ecommerce brands to grow is to leverage social commerce.

But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Right now, we’re still focusing on brand awareness. I just wanted to explain why these marketing channels are so important.

While not all consumers are looking to buy things on social media, it’s still a great place for you to introduce yourself to prospective buyers.

Start by creating a profile on as many social media channels as possible. Stay active on these profiles, and post new content daily.

Do your best to get more followers. Interact with these followers to increase your engagement rates. As a result, more people will get exposed to your brand.

If you want to take this strategy to the next level, you can generate leads with targeted ads. Facebook and Instagram are two of my favorite platforms to use this strategy for.

That’s because the ads are set up through the same system, so it’s easy for you to run paid ads through both.

While Facebook will always be a top marketing option, it doesn’t mean you should overlook Instagram. Marketers agree that this platform has become a top choice for creating brand awareness.

In fact, last year Instagram surpassed Twitter in terms of marketing usage by brands in the United States.

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As I said earlier, there are tons of ways for you to make consumers aware that your company exists. But some tactics are more effective than others.

For example, I’m sure you got flyers in the mail when a new pizza shop opened in your neighborhood. That’s an example of the awareness stage in the conversion funnel.

But those types of methods aren’t scalable and applicable to all businesses in today’s day and age.

You also want to get quality traffic. Yes, you want as many people as possible to know about your brand. But that’s not helpful if they’ll never actually become customers.

It’s important for you to emphasize quality over quantity if you want to create a funnel that yields high conversions.

That’s why focusing your efforts on SEO and social media is much more effective.

Generate interest

Now that people are familiar with your brand, it’s time to take them through the next step of your conversion funnel.

You’ve got to come up with ways to create interest in your products and services. Your content strategy is going to…