What’s Your Answer? 25 Questions from Content Marketing Experts

What’s Your Answer? 25 Questions from Content Marketing Experts

They’re sharing the best questions they’ve been asked about content marketing. How would you answer any or all of them? Too often clients say, “Can we do this?” They are so enamored by what’s new and possible that they don’t stop to ask whether it’s right for the audience, right for the message, and whether it could work. What is content marketing? I wish people asked this question. How can I get my executives to create and share content for the company? The question hints at where marketing is heading overall. Today’s best content marketers develop audiences. How do we manage all the different audiences? And if you have a great question that was asked and answered (or needs an answer), please add that as well.

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Wouldn’t it be helpful to know the questions your executives or clients will ask before they pose them to you?

You would have the time to think about the answer and tailor your response for the circumstances. Then, when asked, you could respond immediately and thoughtfully, impressing the interrogator.

Well, the presenters at Content Marketing World want to help. They’re sharing the best questions they’ve been asked about content marketing. In a few cases, they share their answers and in others, we share some content that could help you formulate your answer.

But let’s not stop there. How would you answer any or all of them? Include your response in the comments (please label it with the question number for easy reference). And next month, we’ll compile all the questions and answers in an updated blog post.

1. Should we do this?

Too often clients say, “Can we do this?” They are so enamored by what’s new and possible that they don’t stop to ask whether it’s right for the audience, right for the message, and whether it could work.

Bethany Chambers, director of audience engagement, North Coast Media

2. What is content marketing?

This is a good wake-up call. We have to evangelize and educate the organization on how our content marketing efforts are helping drive the business.

Peg Miller, head of content strategy, Xactly

3. Does content marketing work?

Stoney deGeyter, founder and CEO, Pole Position

4. How does marketing without talking about or promoting our product/service help us create leads and sales?

Jason Schemmel, social media manager, Harper Collins Christian Publishing

5. Why would I want to educate my customers and help my competition?

Jeff Leo Herrmann, president, Madison, Michigan and Market

6. How can content marketing help address our target audiences throughout the customer purchase journey?

That question gets at the heart of how content should be used. Content should address the motivations and needs of the customer at various points of their process, so that it strengthens their positive feelings about the brand, heightens their likelihood to convert, and increases their customer lifetime value.

Zontee Hou, senior strategist, Convince and Convert

7. How can I use content marketing to increase brand presence in the most efficient way?

Chuck Hester, vice president, Marketing Lucidity Direct

8. How does content marketing drive revenue?

Andrew Davis, CEO, Monumental Shift

9. How do we measure content’s influence on sales and revenue?

That one question drives the best decisions, the best priorities, and the best subsequent questions that drive impact.

Matt Heinz, president, Heinz Marketing

10. How much is it going to cost?

Tim Hayden, president and co-managing partner, Brain + Trust Partners

11. What’s our goal? Why are we doing this?

We were initially more focused on…