How to Get Followers on Pinterest: 24 Tips that Really Work

How to Get Followers on Pinterest: 24 Tips that Really Work

Pinners use the site to look for new ideas, inspiration, and products, so make sure your own Pins are super fresh. If you don’t, check out Hootsuite’s social video toolkit. How to find the right keywords and hashtags: Use guided search. Boards can also be optimized for search. Use appropriate keywords in the board name and description, and add relevant hashtags to the description, too. Pinterest recommends that brands share seasonal content up to 45 days before a holiday or event. With the Save button, visitors can also share any image from your website on Pinterest, making them ambassadors for your brand. Website visitors who have Pinterest accounts will be more compelled to follow you after seeing these previews of your Pinterest content. Here are key Pinterest guidelines to keep in mind: Don’t require people to save a specific image. From a single dashboard you can compose, schedule, and publish Pins, create new boards, Pin to multiple boards at once, and run all your other social media profiles.

How to Create a Pinterest Pin Your Followers Will Flock To
Don’t Show Off, Show Interest
The Compound Interest On Content Marketing Assets
how to get more pinterest followers
Image via Brooke Cagle under CC0

If one of your social media goals involves figuring out how to get followers on Pinterest, you’ll want to Pin this guide.

Pinterest is all about inspiration and discovery. That means it’s not only a great way to connect with current customers; it’s a great place to find new followers—especially since Pinterest passed the 250 million monthly active user mark. More than 70 percent of Pinners find new brands on Pinterest, and 78 percent say they find brand content useful.

Factor in Pinterest’s sales power—it’s the number one shopping platform among millennials—and knowing how to get more Pinterest followers becomes an even greater value proposition. Follow this step-by-step guide to pin your sights on success.

Bonus: Download a free guide that teaches you how to make money on Pinterest in six easy steps using the tools you already have.

24 real ways to get more followers on Pinterest

1. Know who uses Pinterest

A good appreciation of Pinterest’s user base will help when it comes to crafting content for your profile.

Here are a few stats to start with:

  • The majority of Pinterest users are women. Only 30% of its users are men, but that figure is growing.
  • Pinterest reaches 83% of women aged 25-54 in the U.S. That’s more than Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.
  • Millennials are Pinterest’s most active age group. One in two U.S. millennials visit Pinterest every month.
  • Pinterest is the only major social channel in the U.S. with a majority of suburban users.

Find even more Pinterest stats that marketers need to know, as well as more Pinterest demographics.

2. Engage with what’s popular

Take a look at what’s already performing well on Pinterest by browsing the Popular feed. Take notes, evaluate commonalities, and consider how you could apply these ideas to your own content.

When you come across compelling content, consider re-Pinning to one of your boards, following the user, or writing a thoughtful comment. All of these actions will increase your brand’s exposure on Pinterest.

But don’t overdo it. Too many comments may be flagged as spam. Instead, focus on writing a few sincere comments that go beyond one- or two-word remarks like “Cool!” or “That’s awesome.”

3. Join relevant group boards

Search for the top Pinterest boards in your company’s categories and ask to join and contribute. In some cases the board administrator will include instructions on how to join the group’s description. If not, contact the board owner directly by email. You can usually find them by looking for the first person listed under the board’s followers.

4. Post fresh and original content

Pinterest favors originality. Pinners use the site to look for new ideas, inspiration, and products, so make sure your own Pins are super fresh.

Skip standard stock photos and clichés. Instead, Pinterest recommends that you “highlight any elements of novelty or newness to get people excited about your ideas.”

5. Stand out with beautiful visuals

According to Pinterest, the best performing pins have three things in common: They’re beautiful, interesting, and actionable. In that order.

Pinterest is first and foremost a visual platform, so make sure you use eye-catching images.

Here are a few Pinterest picture pointers:

  • Use high-resolution and high quality images.
  • Use lifestyle images, which tend to be more alluring than standard product shots, according to Pinterest.
  • Avoid images that are too busy.
  • Favour vertically-oriented photos over horizontal ones. A whopping 85% of users search Pinterest on mobile, which means vertical images have much higher impact.
  • Don’t make images too long, or they’ll be cut off. The ideal aspect ratio is 2:3 (600px wide x 900px high).
  • Consider showing multiple products in a single Pin. Pinterest finds that Pins with multiple products can appeal to different tastes and spark curiosity. It’s best to maintain a four-product limit per Pin so as not to overwhelm.
  • Try video! If you have the resources, short videos have the power to stand out among even the best photos. If you don’t, check out Hootsuite’s social video toolkit.

6. Include detailed descriptions

Your beautiful image may have captured attention, but to keep that attention you also need a stimulating caption. Go beyond short, single-sentence descriptions and provide information that would compel users to take a deeper interest in your brand.

Remember, the most effective Pin descriptions are interesting.

7. Add relevant keywords and hashtags

Pinterest is essentially a search engine, so your content should be optimized for discoverability. Make sure your descriptions are keyword-rich and include relevant hashtags so that you appear in relevant searches.

How to find the right keywords and hashtags:

  • Use guided search. Start by putting a few keywords in Pinterest’s search bar, and take note of the automatic suggestion.
  • Note the key word bubbles that appear in the search results header.
  • Look at the hashtag suggestions and usage stats as you add hashtags to your Pin descriptions.
  • Search a relevant hashtag, and look at the tags and keywords being used by Pinners using that hashtag.
  • Look at the trending hashtags in your category (only available on the mobile app).

You can apply this logic to your profile too. For instance, consider adding a description to your name, like Hootsuite (Social Media Management). Your profile is more apt to show…