The most important 15 seconds for video marketers [working title]

The most important 15 seconds for video marketers [working title]

In the first 15 seconds of your video, your content must be engaging and the viewer must know exactly what he or she is watching or they will most likely lose interest and move on to something else. One question every video marketer wants the answer to is “How will I know that once my viewers click my video, they will watch the full duration of it?” We have supplied you with a couple of tips to include in the content of your videos to make sure your viewers are sticking around to watch the end of your videos. Cast the hook The “hook” is the main part to your video, this is what’s going to keep your viewers eyes glued to the screen. All content is different, so determining the best way to interact with your viewers may take some time. Asking questions is a great way to perform this technique, “want to find out more?”. Many movie trailers use this technique, hence the term “teaser” used for many of them. Many action packed movies do a great job with teasing their audience. 0 commentsComments VidyardCommunity Login Disqus Facebook Twitter Google 1 Recommend Recommended Discussion Recommended! Attach Log in with or sign up with Disqus or pick a name Disqus is a discussion network Disqus never moderates or censors. Load more comments Powered by Disqus Subscribe Add Disqus to your siteAdd DisqusAdd Disqus' Privacy PolicyPrivacy PolicyPrivacy SECURITY WARNING: Please treat the URL above as you would your password and do not share it with anyone.

Vidyard Newsletter Recap – November 17th, 2018
Current Trends in Video Marketing
Tell Me a Story: 4 Ways That Video Can Create Brand Fanatics — Maybe Even Your Brand Fanatics

When producing a video for your business, you must be able to execute the proper techniques to ensure your viewers won’t be falling asleep at the screen. In the first 15 seconds of your video, your content must be engaging and the viewer must know exactly what he or she is watching or they will most likely lose interest and move on to something else. One question every video marketer wants the answer to is “How will I know that once my viewers click my video, they will watch the full duration of it?”
We have supplied you with a couple of tips to include in the content of your videos to make sure your viewers are sticking around to watch the end of your videos.

In this very popular video YouTube series, “Will it Blend”, Tom Dickson does a great job of informing his audience exactly what he will be doing throughout his video, within the first 15 seconds of them watching it, take a look: – [Embed video]

Within the first 15 seconds, Toms audience knew what he would be blending and how he would be doing that.

Cast the hook

The “hook” is the main part to your video, this is what’s going to keep your viewers eyes glued to the screen. The hook can be anything of interest to your viewers – an offer, a sneak peak, or a bright shiny object; whatever it is, you want to keep them watching your video for as long as you can.
All content is different, so determining the best way to interact with your viewers may take some time. This may take many attempts, and many changes to the beginning of your video, but as soon as it’s mastered you will increase the amount of viewers watching your videos.

Tease your viewers

If you have interesting content that your viewers…