How Dell, SAP and Dun & Bradstreet Collaborate with Influencers to Scale Successful B2B Content #MPB2B

How Dell, SAP and Dun & Bradstreet Collaborate with Influencers to Scale Successful B2B Content #MPB2B

The panel was led by TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden and included the following rockstar marketers: Luciana Moran – Senior Vice President, Content & Creative, Dun & Bradstreet If you’re interested in influencer marketing, then you’re in for a real treat. But first, let’s look at WHY influencer marketing is a must-have for B2B marketers. Additionally, working with influencers can help you build credibility both internally and externally. At Dell, Konstanze and her team have created the B2B Luminaries influencer program. Dell focuses on partnering with deep subject matter experts and conducts extensive research to ensure that they’re partnering with the right people. Advice for Measuring Influencer Marketing Success Konnie cautions brands not to focus so much on vanity metrics. To Amisha, engagement metrics are their top priorities. You’ll want to start building your influencer program gradually so that you can remain nimble and identify what is working and what isn’t. Thank you to Konnie, Amisha, Luciana and Lee for all of the great insights! For more from these great marketers, download our new un-gated eBook: The Business of Influence – Formulas for Success from Top B2B Brands.

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This week at MarketingProfs B2B forum, some of my favorite influencer marketers took the stage for a lively discussion on how they’ve been able to scale content creation by collaborating with influencers.

The panel was led by TopRank Marketing CEO Lee Odden and included the following rockstar marketers:

Luciana Moran – Senior Vice President, Content & Creative, Dun & Bradstreet

If you’re interested in influencer marketing, then you’re in for a real treat. In this post, I’ll outline some of the best insights for B2B influencer success. But first, let’s look at WHY influencer marketing is a must-have for B2B marketers.

The Current State of B2B Marketing

To open up the discussion, Lee walked the audience through some B2B highlights.

According to CMI and MarketingProfs, 50% of B2B marketers say that producing content consistently is a top challenge. It doesn’t matter if you’re a large organization or small business, the struggle is the same.

One way to increase quality content production is to collaborate with influencers. And, interest in influencer marketing among marketers is currently outpacing trending searches for content, social and email.

Unfortunately, when it comes to implementation of influencer marketing, B2B marketers are still trailing behind their B2C counterparts. Which is why this panel of experts is here to help!

Exploring the Benefits of Collaborating with Influencers

In Luciana’s experience, working with influencers has been instrumental in growing their audience. Even when you’re…