10 Memorable Marketer Moods, Memed

10 Memorable Marketer Moods, Memed

We can convey extremely specific moods, thoughts, and insights with a single image. 10 Marketing Moods We Can All Relate To Mood #1: When “SEO content” and “good content” are referred to as different things. Mood #2: When you get the go-ahead on an out-there, creative idea… and then you have to actually do it. That means coming up with a process to record influencers, finding a computer voice that fits just right, the design team learning new tools… but once it’s done, it’s worth the initial panic. The client can’t open their Zoom link. I’ve learned so much from the thought leaders in the industry (and in my office). It makes me even more determined to keep learning, and to share what I know. After influencer interviews, outlining, content creation, design, internal and/or client edits, it’s finally time to show the world what you’ve been working on. Stay in the Mood for Marketing Working in marketing is an emotional roller coaster. But working with brilliant colleagues, learning from amazing peers, and helping fascinating clients makes it worth the ride.

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10 Marketer Moods in Memes

As a content marketer, I’m always looking for more effective and efficient ways to communicate. I love the way communication is evolving online (with the exception of, say, YouTube comments).

Think about it: A hundred years ago, it was much harder to convey a mood in text.

  • You could trail off (…)
  • You could ask questions (?)
  • You could shout (!!)

And that’s about it.

Emoticons opened up the possibilities a bit, with “slight smile :),” “big smile :D,” and “guy wearing sunglasses sticking his tongue out 8P.” Emojis added even more nuance.

Now, though, we have the ability to embed images and GIFs in our blog posts, emails, and messages. We can convey extremely specific moods, thoughts, and insights with a single image. Like, for example, the feeling when you’re wearing socks and step in something wet:

These images are emotional shorthand: They connect on a primal level without having to filter through words.

As every marketer knows, there are some work-related feelings that words just can’t quite describe. Every day in this challenging and rewarding profession has its ups and downs—and diagonals, too. Here are a few very specific moods I’ve encountered, and perhaps you have too, on this wild ride.

10 Marketing Moods We Can All Relate To

Mood #1: When “SEO content” and “good content” are referred to as different things.

Whether you’re pitching a new idea to an internal group of brand stakeholders or you’re agency side like me, the assumption that “SEO content” can’t possibly be “good content” has been made by internal and external contacts.

These poor souls were scarred by the shallow, redundant “SEO content” of the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Of course, we artfully explain that SEO today means making stuff that actual human beings want to read. Our keyword research is in the service of making great content.

Mood #2: When you get the go-ahead on an out-there, creative idea… and then you have to actually do it.

For example, let’s say you pitch an interactive eBook with a computer-generated voice to tie together audio recordings of influencers. That means coming up with a process to record influencers, finding a computer voice that fits just right, the design team learning new tools… but once it’s done, it’s worth the initial panic.

Mood #3: When the third round of edits brings you back to your original copy.

Enterprise-level companies have a lot of stakeholders, which means a lot of scrutiny on every piece of content—from blog post to tweet. And…