7 Steps to Documenting Your Content Marketing Strategy

7 Steps to Documenting Your Content Marketing Strategy. Yet only 37% of all B2B content marketers are doing it. That one thing is to developing a documented content marketing strategy. Most importantly, it starts your content initiative with measurable goals and a plan to achieve them. If your team wants to join the top tier of content marketers, it’s time to get that strategy written down. #1: Start with the Why Why is content marketing a good fit for your company? #2: Establish Overall Goals Once you make the case for your content to exist, get specific on what purpose your content is going to serve. At TopRank Marketing, we call them “Attract, Engage, and Convert.” Most organizations without a strategy tend to invest heavily in Convert-level content. #5: Draft Specific Goals for Content at Each Stage These goals are the stepping stones to the big-picture business goals I discussed earlier. These seven steps are a general guide to help get your content marketing strategy documented and running.

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There is one thing that nearly 2/3rds of top-performing content
marketers do, but only 13% of the least successful do. It’s a clear
driver of content marketing excellence. Yet only
37% of all B2B content marketers
are doing it.

That one thing is to developing a documented content marketing
strategy. It’s that simple. Lay out your strategy, write it down,
and you’ve drastically increased your odds of running a successful
content marketing enterprise.

Documenting your strategy prevents random acts of content. It
helps get buy-in from your whole team. Most importantly, it starts
your content initiative with measurable goals and a plan to achieve
them. It just makes every aspect of creating content and
distributing it easier and more effective.

If your team wants to join the top tier of content marketers,
it’s time to get that strategy written down. Here’s how to get

#1: Start with the Why

Why is content marketing a good fit for your company? Is there
an audience hungry for the content you plan on producing? You can
answer these questions with customer
—find the unmet needs that your content will meet.

#2: Establish Overall Goals

Once you make the case for your content to exist, get specific
on what purpose your content is going to serve. Granted, your
content program should serve multiple purposes, everything from
attracting attention to securing loyalty. But in the end, it will
serve specific business goals: Leads captured, cost per lead, and
marketing-assisted sales. Express these goals in quantifiable terms
and specify the metrics to measure them.

Don’t worry if these goals shift during the course of your
implementation. It’s better to start with a few goals and get
moving than to try and painstakingly predict the future. Your
strategy can change as it’s implemented, based on response. In
fact, it should be evolving constantly for better

#3: Document Your Audience

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