Trump’s army of trolls are empowered and Twitter is paying the price

"Dear Liberals: This is Now the Era of Revenge." So begins a Nov. 9 article on the alt-right, neo-Nazi, "pro-genocide" website, The Daily Stormer, an internet gathering point for many racists and anti-Semites who are massive fans of President-elect Donald Trump. Quite the opposite, it seems. Andrew Anglin, who founded The Daily Stormer, makes it his business to launch online harassment campaigns. "Election night is in the rear-view, and after a day of celebration we need to keep moving forward," he wrote following the election. "It’s time to consolidate our gains and trigger Jews and leftists using one of the easiest and most effective means at our disposal – a Twitter campaign." By attaching a hashtag to King's work, he hoped to co-opt it, allowing the racist hordes that follow his website to laugh and take pride in the trauma of others. In an article published on the same day, he also encouraged trolling of anyone who posted social media messages about feeling scared after Trump's victory. His message, after rounding up dozens of tweets, was to "troll these people and definitely get some of them to kill themselves." Mike Cernovich, a Trump-supporting men's rights activist who traffics in conspiracy theories, has used his 160,000 Twitter followers to advocate for the elimination of the White House press corps.

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How to find your zen while staying angry at Donald Trump on the internet
Someone finally kept Donald Trump too busy to tweet this morning
An American visitor walks past a cartoon of a Mexican wrapped in a taco sticking his tongue out at a depiction of President-elect Donald Trump.
An American visitor walks past a cartoon of a Mexican
wrapped in a taco sticking his tongue out at a depiction of
President-elect Donald Trump.

“Dear Liberals: This is Now the Era of Revenge.”

So begins a Nov. 9 article on the alt-right, neo-Nazi, “pro-genocide” website, The Daily Stormer, an internet
gathering point for many racists and anti-Semites who are massive
fans of President-elect Donald Trump.

The alt-right — a loosely-defined group of right-wingers who
traffic in online harassment and hate memes — was already a
virulent online force before Americans cast their ballots on
Tuesday. Now that their candidate has been elected president,
they’ve made it clear they’re not about to recede from Twitter back
to the dark corners of the internet from whence they came.

Quite the opposite, it seems.

Andrew Anglin, who founded The Daily Stormer, makes it
his business to launch online harassment campaigns. His website
undoubtedly contributed to the harassment of Jewish journalists
online throughout the campaign, and he’s already directing his
energy into new efforts likely to turn a few stomachs.

“Election night is in the rear-view, and after a day of
celebration we need to keep moving forward,” he wrote following the
election. “It’s time to consolidate our gains and trigger Jews and
leftists using one of the easiest and most effective means at our
disposal – a Twitter campaign.”

Anglin’s first message was to get #TrumpEffect trending. His
mission is to highlight posts about white people harassing and
attacking non-white people across the U.S and to unleash the trolls
on them. Using the hashtag, he called out journalist and activist
Shaun King, who has
been compiling and decrying such incidents. By attaching a hashtag
to King’s work, he hoped to co-opt it, allowing the racist hordes
that follow his website to laugh and take pride in the trauma of

In an article published on the same day, he also encouraged
trolling of anyone who posted social media messages about feeling
scared after Trump’s victory. His message, after rounding up dozens
of tweets,…