Top Marketing Trends For 2017

Top Marketing Trends For 2017

Businesses and brands need to update their marketing tactics or get left behind. Make your app interactive and enjoyable, making customers want to return to the app frequently. Make sure your business appears on community information sites, local news sites, and local blog sites. Know which marketing strategies are working for you New tools make it easier to track the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. Put your images on these social media sites and reach an ever-expanding audience. Find the locals whose opinions matter and get them to link or share your site. Work with like-minded businesses. Make sure your website is mobile compatible and find out how to build an app so customers can interact with your brand from anywhere. Customize user experience with A/B tactics. Make sure your mobile and web presence has both.

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Markets evolve. That has always been a fact. The speed with which markets develop, though, is changing. Every new marketing tool and strategy picks up the pace of that change. Businesses and brands need to update their marketing tactics or get left behind. This year will be a groundbreaking year for mobile developers and marketers and the companies that use their tools to reach out to new and existing markets.

In 2017, your business can stay ahead of the competition by following these top marketing trends.

Design with the consumer in mind
Know how customers think when they access web sites, advertisements, and apps, and design with their preferences in mind. Market research shows consumers strongly prefer certain practices.

  1. Make your headline clear and direct. Many readers skim the online text, often not reading much past the headline. Format your website, emails, and posts with the skimmer in mind. It is possible to hook the reader with a short attention span without losing the interest of the consumer who is willing to finish the whole post.
  2. Customers expect images. Bright images and infographics appeal to readers. Not only can an image help the client visualize the product or benefit of your service, but infographics can communicate complex information quickly and clearly.
  3. Games hook customers. Why are game apps so addicting? They reward the consumer with fun! Make your app interactive and enjoyable, making customers want to return to the app frequently. Build a positive brand impression and repeat customers at the same time.

Keep it local

If your business has a physical location, you must take advantage of new and improved technology to draw customers to your door. New developments have made geofencing and tracking apps more accessible to businesses and consumers alike. Getting your business on as many maps as possible has never been easier.

  1. Use directories. Make sure your business is listed in directories like Yelp and Google. Don’t neglect smaller lists, like local business directories, either. When consumers enter “____ service in OUR TOWN,” make sure your business pops up.
  2. Link up with the community. People are using local websites. Make sure your business appears on community information sites, local news sites, and local blog sites.
  3. Reward customers who visit regularly. Mobile apps can be designed to reward regular customers just for stopping by. This 2017 trend will see location-based tech being used to create promotions and increase traffic.

Know which marketing strategies are working for you
New tools make it easier to track the effectiveness of your marketing strategy. You no longer have to let a marketing campaign run its course before you find out if it is working or not. Update to the latest test and tracking tools to determine your best ROI.

  1. Look at your users’ sessions. Certain tracking tools allow you to watch how your consumer is using your app. You can play back users’ sessions and see how people interact with your site. Use these tools to determine where users jump off so you…