How To Use IFTTT To Automatically Prospect for Influencers

For this little effort, I used the #TBEXAsia hashtag. And of course, they’d be tagging all that Twitter content with the #TBEXAsia hashtag. If the recipe found one, it then automatically added that person’s Twitter profile to a private Travel Blogger list I created on Twitter. Then I went back to work and painlessly prospected for Travel Bloggers via this new recipe. Vetting Influencer Prospects For New Campaigns Now I have a list of 82 folks that used the #TBEXAsia hashtag. Are all of them Travel Bloggers? And how do I begin to create a targeted list of Travel Bloggers for this influencer marketing campaign outreach effort? Now, since I usually create my sales and influencer prospecting lists as private lists, I have to do one small work-around to get the list to import to Nimble. As soon as I do that, presto, Nimble allows me a one-click import option. Presto – automatically I have a list inside my CRM of Travel Blogger Influencers that I can begin to track, segment and ultimately reach out to over social platforms, etc., in an effort to help my client create that all important Influencer Marketing strategy.

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using ifttt to create twitter lists

A month ago I used a simple IFFTT Recipe to automagically create a Twitter list of Travel Bloggers. I just hit “go” and let the wonderful world of the Internet and APIs do a lot of work for me. Now I have a list of about 75 prospective Travel Influencers to vet and consider for an upcoming Influencer Marketing effort. Want to know how I did it? Then read on.

Mining Industry Event Hashtags for Prospects

The secret here is Twitter’s Hashtags. Rarely does a major event or conference occur these days without establishing an event hashtag. And it’s this event hashtag that makes list building so easy. For this little effort, I used the #TBEXAsia hashtag. Having spoken at TBEX in Athens a few years ago, I knew the event would be chocked full of great Travel Bloggers who would be creating and sharing content throughout the event. And of course, they’d be tagging all that Twitter content with the #TBEXAsia hashtag.
So I created my recipe and in the settings area, instructed the applet to look for any Tweets containing the #TBEXAsia hashtag. If the recipe found one, it then automatically added that person’s Twitter profile to a private Travel Blogger list I created on Twitter.
Then I went back to work and painlessly prospected for Travel Bloggers via this new recipe.

Vetting Influencer Prospects…