Watch this Video: Volvo’s Live Fully Now

Watch this Video: Volvo’s Live Fully Now

Watch this Video: Volvo's Live Fully Now. To view this video please consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 Video Video Transcript: Hey guys! Take a look, and I’ll catch you on the other side. And then you went to high school and this was a great transition in life and now the pressure is being put on. You must get ahead, you must go up the grades and finally be good enough to get to college. And then when you get to college, you’re still going step-by-step, step-by-step, up to the great moment in which you’re ready to go out into the world. You’ll be living in some other future which hasn’t yet arrived. And so, in this way, one is never able actually to inherit and enjoy the fruits of one’s actions. Wasn’t that video amazing? They can, and often should, dig deeper.

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Don’t Worry, Video Content Won’t Bite
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Every so often we come across a really amazing example of video marketing and we just need to share it with you. Volvo’s latest video is one of those.

Video Transcript:

Hey guys! We just discovered this awesome video from Volvo and we really wanted to share it with you. Take a look, and I’ll catch you on the other side.

My goodness, don’t you remember when you went first to school. You went to kindergarten and kindergarten, the idea was to push along so you could get into first grade. And then push along so you could get into second grade, third grade, and so on going up and up. And then you went to high school and this was a great transition in life and now the pressure is being put on. You must get ahead, you must go up the…