7 Incredible Insights About Consumer Behavior for Digital and Content Marketers

7 Incredible Insights About Consumer Behavior for Digital and Content Marketers. Marketing is becoming increasingly transparent, for content marketers. Every marketer can benefit from knowing why consumers say no instead of yes, and what drives them to do so. Two groups of people were chosen. Most businesses already have partners and loyal customers who would make great advocates, but employees are the people who could really make a difference to your marketing results. A group of people were given two fictitious year end reports. Wherever possible, tell you audience “why”. It is a good idea to approach different audience groups by how much effort of yours is necessary for them to convert. Focusing on them is important because they make-up about a third of your audience. Consider the tactics highlighted on this article while creating your social media and content marketing strategies and you will see positive results.

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Marketing is becoming increasingly transparent, for content marketers. Technologies have progressed enough to allow you to map consumer journeys, to the most minute of details. You can now track a consumer right from when they arrive to your website to when they buy from you. You can see the impact of your content and how your audience received it. There is no shortage of metrics to measure to track your marketing progress.

Now that can see your consumers’ journeys, you can ask more pertinent questions about consumer behavior, so you can use it to create more effective content backed by smart marketing strategies. Every marketer can benefit from knowing why consumers say no instead of yes, and what drives them to do so. The following are some insights that can help shed some light.

1. Minimal requirements drive better conversions


A popular rule in digital is to keep everything under three clicks. Why? In 2015, it was reported that the average attention span of digital surfers fell to a shocking 8 seconds. That is all the time you really have to capture your consumers and reach them to their preferred destinations. Delays in the process, hang-ups, slow loading websites, too many fields to fill in and too many things to do before purchase can seriously hinder your conversions.

Imaginary Landscape, a website technology firm, conducted an A/B test for two contact forms on a website. The shorter version received as much as 160% more submissions. To optimize your website for conversions, you could build and test multiple forms for conversions using a form building app like SleekNote.

2. People love the news


It has been neurologically proved that the ‘new’ or ‘latest’ factor drives people to seek something out. The idea of something new, undiscovered and unfamiliar, prompts the release of dopamine in the human brain, which in-turn pushes people to chase it.

This is why people love newsy stuff. One way to leverage this fact, is by building your social media strategy around it. Be the first to discover news in your industry and share it, and be the first to track trends and tell your audience how to keep up with them. Doing so will increase your social media traffic and therefore improve your chances to convert. To source the latest content for social media, you could use a content curation software like DrumUp, or any app that intuitively collects the best content for you to share.

3. Labeled audiences are more likely to act

I’m not asking you to judge your audience to label them, what I’m asking you to do is far from it. People like being labeled, as long as the label is positive and makes them feel “included”. In fact, labels drive people to act.

Scientists from Stanford and Cambridge universities conducted a small…